Total Capture: A 3D Deformation Model for Tracking Faces, Hands, and Bodies翻译[下]

Total Capture: A 3D Deformation Model for Tracking Faces, Hands, and Bodies翻译 上](

4. Motion Capture with Frankenstein Model


We fit the Frankenstein model to data to capture the total body motion, including the major limbs, the face, and fingers. Our motion capture method relies heavily on fitting mesh correspondences to 3D keypoints, which are obtained by triangulation of 2D keypoint detections across multiple camera views. To capture shape information we also use point clouds generated by multiview stereo reconstructions. Model fitting is performed by an optimization framework to minimize distances between corresponded model joints and surface points and 3D keypoint detections, and iterative closest point (ICP) to the 3D point cloud.


4.1. 3D Measurements


We incorporate two types of measurements in our framework as shown in Fig. 3: (1) corresponded 3D keypoints, which map to known joints or surface points on the mesh models (see Fig. 2), and (2) uncorresponded 3D points from multiview stereo reconstruction, which we match using ICP. 3D Body, Face, and Hand Keypoints: We use the OpenPose detector [25] in each available view, which produces 2D keypoints on the body with the method of [14], and hand and face keypoints using the method of [41]. 3D body skeletons are obtained from the 2D detections using the method of [28], which uses known camera calibration parameters for reconstruction. The 3D hand keypoints are obtained by triangulating 2D hand pose detections, following the method of [41], and similarly for the facial keypoints. Note that subsets of 3D keypoints can be entirely missing if there aren’t enough 2D detections for triangulation, which can happen in challenging scenes with interocclusions or motion blur.

如图3所示,我们在我们的框架中引入了两种测量类型:(1)相应的3D关键点,它们映射到网格模型上的已知关节或表面点(参见图2);以及(2)不相应的3D点多视图立体重建,我们使用ICP匹配。 3D身体,脸部和手关键点:我们在每个可用的视图中使用OpenPose检测器[25],它使用[14]的方法在身体上生成2D关键点,并使用[41]的方法生成手部和脸部关键点。使用[28]的方法从二维检测获得三维人体骨骼,该方法使用已知的相机校准参数进行重建。根据[41]的方法,通过对2D手部姿态检测进行三角测量来获得3D手部关键点,并且类似地针对面部关键点。请注意,如果没有足够的二维检测用于三角测量,那么3D关键点的子集可能完全丢失,这可能发生在具有互斥或运动模糊的具有挑战性的场景中。


Figure 3: 3D measurements and Frankenstein fitting result.


3D Feet Keypoints: An important cue missing from the OpenPose detector are landmarks on the feet. For motion capture, this is an essential feature to prevent footskate, as well as to accurately determine the orientation of the feet. We therefore train a keypoint detector for the tip of the big toe, the tip of the little toe, and the ball of the foot. We annotate these 3 keypoints per foot in each of around 5000 person instances of the COCO dataset, and use the neural network architecture presented by [54] with a bounding box around the feet determined by the 3D body detections1.


3D Point Clouds: We use the commercial software Capturing Reality to obtain 3D point clouds from the multiview images, with associated point normals.

3D点云:我们使用商业软件Capturing Reality从多视图图像中获取3D点云,并使用相关的点法线。

4.2. Objective Function


We initially fit every frame in the sequence independently. For clarity, we drop the time index from the notation and describe the process for a single frame, which optimizes the following cost function:


E(θU , ϕφU , tU ) = Ekeypoints

prior (11)

E(θU,φφU,TU)= Ekeypoints


Anatomical Keypoint Cost: the term Ekeypoints matches 3D keypoint detections which are in direct corresponce to our mesh models. This includes joints (or end effects) in the body and hands, and also contains points corresponding to the surface of the mesh (e.g., facial keypoints and the tips of fingers and toes). Both of these types of correspondence are expressed as combinations of vertices via a regression matrix J ∈ RC×N U , where C denotes the number of correspondences and

is the number of vertices in the model. Let D denote the set of available detections in a particular frame. The cost is then: Ekeypoints

indexes a row in the correspondence regression matrix and represents an interpolated position using a small number of vertices, and
is the 3D detection. The λkeypoints is a relative weight for this term.

解剖关键点成本:术语Ekeypoints匹配与我们的网格模型直接对应的3D关键点检测。这包括身体和手中的关节(或末端效果),并且还包含与网格表面相对应的点(例如面部关键点和手指和脚趾的尖端)。这两种对应关系都通过回归矩阵J∈RC×N U表示为顶点的组合,其中C表示对应的数量,



1More details provided in the supplementary material.


ICP Cost: The 3D point cloud measurements are not a priori in correspondence with the model meshes. We therefore establish their correspondence to the mesh using Iterative Closest Point (ICP) during each solver iteration. We find the closest 3D point in the point cloud to each of the mesh vertices,




is the closest 3D point to vertex j, where
is a vertex2 in
of the Frankenstein model. To ensure that this is a correct correspondence, we use thresholds for the distance and normals during the correspondence search.



Finally, for each vertex j we compute the point-to-plane residual, i.e., the distance along the normal direction,




represents the point’s normal, and λicp is a relative weight for this term.



Seam Constraints: The part models composing the Frankenstein model are rigidly linked by the skeletal hierarchy. However, the independent surface parameterizations of each of the part models may introduce discontinuities at the boundary between parts (e.g., a fat arm with a thin wrist). To avoid this artifact, we encourage the vertices around the seam parts to be close by penalizing differences between the last two rings of vertices around the seam of each part, and the corresponding closest point in the body model in the rest pose expressed as barycentric coordinates (see the supplementary materials for details).


Prior Cost: Depending on the number of measurements available in a particular frame, the set of parameters of

may not be determined uniquely (e.g., the width of the fingers). More importantly, the 3D point clouds are noisy and cannot be well explained by the model due to hair and clothing, which are not captured by the SMPL and FaceWarehouse meshes, which can result in erroneous correspondences during ICP. Additionally, the joint locations of the models are not necessarily consistent with the annotation criteria used to train the 2D detectors. We are therefore forced to set priors over model parameters to avoid the model from overfitting to these sources of noise, Eprior

prior. The prior for each part is defined by corresponding shape and pose priors, for which we use 0-mean standard normal priors for each parameter except for scaling factors, which are encouraged to be close to 1. Details and relative weights can be found in supplementary materials.



2We do not consider some parts (around hands and face), as depth sensor resolution is too low to improve the estimate. These parts are defined as a mask.



Figure 4: Regressing detection target positions. (Left) The template model is aligned with target object. (Mid.) The torso joints of the template model (magenta) have discrepancy from the joint definitions of 3D keypoint detection (cyan). (Right) The newly regressed target locations (green) are more consistent with 3D keypoint detections.

图4:回归检测目标位置。 (左)模板模型与目标对象对齐。 (中)模板模型(洋红色)的躯干关节与3D关键点检测(青色)的关节定义不一致。 (右)新回归的目标位置(绿色)与3D关键点检测更加一致。

4.3. Optimization Procedure


The complete model is highly nonlinear, and due to the limited degrees of freedom of the skeletal joints, the optimization can get stuck in bad local minima. Therefore, instead of optimizing the complete model initially, we fit the model in phases, starting with a subset of measurements and strong priors that are relaxed as optimization progresses.


Model fitting is performed on each frame independently. To initialize the overall translation and rotation, we use four keypoints on the torso (left and right shoulders and hips) without using the ICP term, and with strong weight on the priors. Once the torso parts are approximately aligned, we use all available keypoints of all body parts, with small weight for the priors. The results at this stage already provide reasonable motion capture but do not accurately capture the shape (i.e., silhouette) of the subject. Finally, the entire optimization is performed including the ICP term to find correspondences with the 3D point cloud. We run the final optimization two times, finding new correspondences each time. For the optimization we use LevenbergMarquardt with the Ceres Solver library [1].

模型拟合是在每个框架上独立执行的。为了初始化整体平移和旋转,我们在躯干(左肩和臀部)上使用了四个关键点,而不使用ICP术语,并且在前身上具有较强的重量。一旦躯干部分大致对齐,我们使用所有身体部位的所有可用关键点,对于先验者来说重量轻。此阶段的结果已经提供了合理的动作捕捉,但不能精确地捕捉主体的形状(即轮廓)。最后,执行整个优化,包括ICP术语以查找与3D点云的对应关系。我们两次运行最终优化,每次都找到新的对应关系。为了优化,我们使用LevenbergMarquardt和Ceres Solver库[1]。

5. Creating Adam


We derive a new model, which we call Adam, enabling total body motion capture with a simpler parameterization than the part-based Frankenstein model. In particular, this new model has a single joint hierarchy and a common parameterization for all shape degrees of freedom, tying together the face, hand, and body shapes and avoiding the need for seam constraints. To build the model, it is necessary to reconstruct the shape and the motion of all body parts (face, body, and hands) from diverse subjects where model can learn the variations. To do this, we leverage our Frankenstein model and apply it on a dataset of 70 subjects where each of them performs a short range of motion in a multiview camera system. We selected 5 frames for each person in different poses and use the the reconstruction results to build Adam. From the data, both joint location information and linear shape blendshapes are learnt. Because we derive the model from clothed people, the blendshapes explain some variations of them.


5.1. Regressing Detection Targets


There exists a discrepancy between the joint locations of the body model (e.g., SMPL model in our case) and the location of the keypoint detections (i.e., a model joint vs. a detection joint), as shown in Fig. 4. This affects mainly the shoulder and hip joints, which are hard to precisely annotate. This difference has the effect of pulling the Frankenstein model towards a bad fit even while achieving a low keypoint cost, Ekeypoints. We alleviate this problem by computing the relative location of the 3D detections with respect to the fitted mesh vertices by leveraging the the reconstructed 70 people data. This allows us to define new targets for the keypoint detection cost that, on average, are a better match for the location of the 3D detections with respect to the mesh model, as shown in Fig. 4. In particular, given the fitting results of 70 identities, we approximate the target 3D keypoint locations as a function of the final fitted mesh vertices following the procedure of [33] to find a sparse, linear combination of vertices that approximates the position of the target 3D keypoint. Note that we do not change the joint location used in the skeleton hierarchy during LBS deformation, only the regression matrices

in Eq. (12).


。 (12)。

5.2. Fitting Clothes and Hair


The SMPL model captures the shape variability of human bodies, but does not account for clothing or hair. Similarly, the FaceWarehouse template mesh was not design to model hair. However, for the natural interactions that we are most interested in capturing, people wear everyday clothing and sport typical hairstyles. To learn a new set of linear blendshapes that better capture the rough geometry of clothed people and jointly model face, it is required to reconstruct the accurate geometry of the source data. For this purpose, we reconstruct the out-of-shape spaces in the reconstructed 70 people results by Frankenstein model fitting.


For each vertex in the Frankenstein model, we write




is a scalar displacement meant to compensate for the discrepancy between the Frankenstein model vertices and the 3D point cloud, along the normal direction at each vertex. We pose the problem as a linear system,




where ∆Δ ∈ RN U contains the stacked per-vertex displacements,

are the vertices in the Frankenstein model,
are corresponding point cloud points,

contains the mesh vertex normals, and L ∈ RN U ×N U is the Laplace-Beltrami operator to regularize the deformation. We also use a weight matrix W to avoid large deformations where the 3D point cloud has lower resolution than the original mesh, like details in the face and hands.



5.3. Building the Shape Deformation Space



fitting, we warp each frame’s surface to the rest pose, applying the inverse of the LBS transform. With the fitted surfaces warped to this canonical pose, we do PCA analysis to build a joint linear shape space that captures shape variations across the entire body. As in Section 3.3, we separate the expression basis for the face and retain the expression basis from the FaceWarehouse model, as our MVS point clouds are of too low resolution to fit facial expressions.



This model now can have shape variation for all parts, including body, hand, and face. The model also includes deformation of hair and clothing. That is this model can substitute parameters of

, and




. As in SMPL, the vertices of this template mesh are first displaced by a set of blendshapes in the rest pose, ˆvTi = vT 0i + ∑KTk=1 ski ϕφBk , where
is the i-th vertex of the k-th blendshape,

is the k-th shape coefficients of ϕφT ∈ RKb , and
is the number of identity coefficients,
is the mean shape and
is its i-th vertex. However, these blendshapes now capture variation across the face, hands, and body. These are then posed using LBS as in Eq. (6). We define the joints and weights for LBS followoing the part models, which is further explained in the supplementary material.


。和SMPL一样,这个模板网格的顶点首先被一系列静止姿势中的混合形状所替代,vTi = vT 0i +ΣKTk= 1,其中


5.4. Tracking with Adam


The cost function to capture total body motion using Adam model is similar to Eqn. 11 without the seam term:


E(θT , ϕφT , tT ) = Ekeypoints

prior. (18) However, Adam is much easier to use than Frankenstein, because it only has a single type of shapes and pose parameters for all parts. Conceptually, it is based on the SMPL model parameterization, but with additional joints for the hands and facial expression blendshapes.

E(θT,φφT,tT)= Ekeypoints

之前。 (18)然而,Adam比Frankenstein更容易使用,因为它只有单一类型的形状和所有部分的姿态参数。从概念上讲,它基于SMPL模型参数化,但是具有用于手和面部表情混合形状的附加关节。

Figure 5: (Top) Visualization of silhouette from different methods with Ground-truth. The ground truth is drawn on red channel and the rendered silhouette masks from each model is drawn on green channel. Thus, the correctly overlapped region is shown as yellow color.; (Bottom) Silhouette accuracy compared to the ground truth silhouette.

图5 :(顶部)使用Ground-truth从不同方法的轮廓可视化。地面实况绘制在红色通道上,每个模型的渲染轮廓蒙版绘制在绿色通道上。因此,正确重叠的区域显示为黄色。 (下图)与地面真实轮廓相比的轮廓精度。

Table 1: Accuracy of Silhouettes from different models



Optical Flow Propagation: While fitting each frame independently has benefits—-it does not suffer from error accumulation and frames can be fit in parallel—it typically produces jittery motion. To reduce this jitter, we use optical flow to propagate the initial, per-frame fit to neighboring frames to find a smoother solution. More concretely, given the fitting results at the frame t, we propagate this mesh to frames

using optical flow at each vertex, which is triangulated into 3D using the method of [27]. Therefore, each vertex has at most three candidate positions: the original mesh, and the forward and backward propagated vertices (subject to a forward-backward consistency check). Given these propagated meshes, we reoptimize the model parameters by using all propagated mesh vertices as additional keypoints to find a compromise mesh. We run this process multiple times (3, in our case), to further reduce jitter and fill in frames with missing detections.

光学流动传播:虽然每个帧独立地配置有好处 - 它不会受到误差累积的影响,并且帧可以并行处理 - 它通常会产生抖动。为了减少这种抖动,我们使用光学流将初始的每帧图像传播到相邻帧,以找到更平滑的解决方案。更具体地说,考虑到帧t的拟合结果,我们使用[27]中的方法将每个顶点的光流传播到帧


6. Results


We perform total motion capture using our two models, Frankenstein and Adam, on various challenging sequences.



Figure 6: Total body reconstruction results on various human body motions. For each example scene, the fitting results from three different models are shown by different colors (pink for SMPL [33], silver for Frankenstein, and gold for Adam).


For experiments, we use the dataset captured in the CMU Panoptic Studio [26]. We use 140 VGA cameras to reconstruct 3D body keypoints, 480 VGA cameras for feet, and 31 HD cameras for faces and hands keypoints, and 3D point clouds. We compare the fits produced by our models with the body-only SMPL model [33].

对于实验,我们使用CMU Panoptic Studio [26]中捕获的数据集。我们使用140个VGA摄像头重建3D身体关键点,480个VGA摄像头用于脚,31个HD摄像头用于脸部和手部关键点以及3D点云。我们将我们的模型产生的吻合与仅有身体的SMPL模型进行比较[33]。

6.1. Quantitative Evaluation


We evaluate how well each model can match a moving person by measuring overlap with the ground truth silhouette across 5 different viewpoints for a 10 second range of motion sequence. To obtain the ground truth silhouette, we run a background subtraction algorithm using a Gaussian model for the background of each pixel with a postprocessing to remove noise by morphological transforms. As an evaluation metric, we compute the percentage of overlapping region compared to the union between the GT silhouettes and the rendered forground masks after fitting each model. Here, we compare the fitting results of 3 different models: SMPL, our Frankenstein, and our Adam models. An example result is shown in Figure 5, and the results are shown in Fig 5 and Table 1. We first compare accuracy between SMPL and Frankenstein model by using only 3D keypoints as measurement cues. The major source of im provement of Frankenstein over SMPL is in the articulated hand model (by construction, the body is almost identical), as seen in Fig. 5 (a). Including ICP term as cues provides better accuracy. Finally in the comparison between our two models, they show almost similar performance. Ideally we expect the Adam outperforms Frankenstein because it has more expressive power for hair and clothing, and it shows it shows better performance in a certain body shape (frame 50-75 in Fig 5). However, Adam sometimes produces artifacts showing lower accuracy; it tends to generate thinner legs, mainly due to poor 3D point cloud reconstructions on the source data on which Adam is trained. However, Adam is simpler for total body motion capture purpose and has potential to be improved once a large scale dataset is available with more optimized capture setup.


6.2. Qualitative Results


We run our method on sequences where face and hand motions are naturally emerging with body motions. The sequences include short range of motions for 70 people used to build Adam, social communications of multiple people, a furniture building sequence with dexterous hand motions, musical performances such as cello and guitars, and commonly observable daily motions such as keyboard typing.


Most of these sequences are rarely demonstrated in previous markerless motion capture methods since capturing subtle details are the key to achieve the goal. The example results are shown in Figure 6. Here, we also qualitatively compare our models (in silver color for Frankenstein, and gold for Adam) with the SMPL model (in pink) [33]. It should be noted that the total body motion capture results based on our models produce much better realism for the scene by capturing the subtle details from hands and faces. Our results are best shown in the accompanying videos.


7. Discussion


We present the first markerless method to capture total body motion including facial expression, coarse body motion from torso and limbs, and hand gestures at a distance. To achieve this, we present two types of models which can express motion in each of the parts. Our reconstruction results show compelling and realistic results, even when using only sparse 3D keypoint detections to drive the models.




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编辑 Lornatang
校准 Lornatang

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