He was a nice boy, a friendly boy, and very shy, and it made him bitter.
I rather liked him and evidently she led him quite a life.
He was more enthusiastic about America than ever, and he was not so simple, and he was not so nice.
所以后来Cohn和“我”谈去南美的时候,“我”会觉得他已经固执得无可救药,会想用去喝杯咖啡的方式不露痕迹地打发他走,会在Frances一直出言不逊的时候默默走开。大概最多也就默念一句God bless you吧。
回到这两章的内容,主要是Brett离开又回来的前前后后。其实不太理解Brett的做法,带着各路情人在Jake眼前晃。要离开巴黎,还又依依不舍,美其名曰Better for you, better for me。
Jake对Brett也是无限制地迁就,明明对和她在一起的一帮下流的人感到非常气愤(I was very angry. Somehow they always made me angry. -- Chapter 3),却还是违心地说 “It's a fine crowd you're with, Brett.” Brett带着Mippipopolous伯爵来他家,尽管中途为了Jake想过送伯爵走("I'll send him away."),但 Jake 还要强说"No, don't." 而当Jake送Brett回家时,就算被拒之门外("No, don't come up."),也并无怨言,一句晚安,独自回家。
而最终Jake还是留她不住,也只能默默地承受,I'm just low, and when I'm low I talked like a fool。 有点自嘲,又带着无奈。 而Brett自己似乎也只是为了用各种noise来麻痹自己,因为前一刻还很开心,后一秒就会陷入悲痛,从happy到misarable的转变,应该也算是内心的空虚吧。
心痛比快乐更真实 / 爱为何这样的讽刺
我忘了这是第几次 / 一见你就无法坚持
真实-张惠妹 (QQ音乐链接)
1. draw / puff
# "I like a cigar to really draw," said the count. "Half the cigars you smoke don't draw." (有时候吸烟不过肺,而draw指吸入肺中,真吸)
# He lit the cigar, puffed at it, looking across the table at Brett. (putt就是普通的吸烟,或者吸烟斗)
# draw: to take air or smoke into your lungs 吸入(空气或烟):
e.g. She drew a deep breath.她深吸了一口气。
e.g. Ruth paused to draw breath, her voice barely hiding her excitement. 鲁丝停下来歇一下,她的嗓音掩饰不住激动的心情。
e.g. He lit his pipe and drew deeply.他点燃了烟斗,大口吸了起来。
# puff: also puff away to breathe in and out while smoking a cigarette or pipe 抽(香烟或烟斗):
puff at / on
e.g. Kinane sat in silence, puffing thoughtfully at his pipe. 基南默默地坐着,若有所思地抽着烟斗。
2. tuck
The count was tucking in his shirt. (把衬衫掖进裤腰里)
3. Come off it!
"Oh, come off it," Brett said. (别胡说)
4. chalk up
... chalked up the same as ever on a slate (记账)
# chalk up: to record what someone has done, what someone should pay etc 记下〔某人所做的事、所欠的账等〕
[+to] e.g. You can chalk the drinks up to my account.你可以把酒钱记到我的账上。
5. 几个句子
# The count stood up, unbuttoned his vest, and opened his shirt. He pulled up the undershirt onto his chest and stood, his chest black, and big stomach muscles bulging under the light. (又是一连串动词短句)
# Food had an excellent place in the count's values.
# We crossed to the left bank of the Seine by the wooden foot-bridge from the Quai de Bethune, and stopped on the bridge and looked down the river at Notre Dame. Standing on the bridge the island looked dark, the houses were high against the sky, and the trees were shadows. (共享夜色)
# He was standing talking with Brett, who was sitting on a high stool, her legs crossed. She had no stockings on.