1、问:安卓中SO 64位还是32位的检查是在什么地方?
答:AMS在向Zygote进程发送创建应用程序进程请求的时候,ZygoteProcess.java 中,通过Socket连接Zygote,根据返回的状态与应用程序进程所需要的ABI进行匹配。
注释1处通过反射获得了android.app.ActivityThread类,注释2处获得了ActivityThread的main方法,并将main方法传入注释3处的Zygote中的MethodAndArgsCaller r类的构造方法中。在注释3处跑出的MethodAndArgsCaller异常会被ZygoteInit的main方法捕获,至于这里为何采用抛出异常而不是直接调用ActivityThread的main方法,这种抛出异常的处理会清楚所有的设置过程需要的堆栈帧,并让ActivityThread的main方法看起来像是程序进程的入口方法。
* Invokes a static "main(argv[]) method on class "className".
* Converts various failing exceptions into RuntimeExceptions, with
* the assumption that they will then cause the VM instance to exit.
* @param className Fully-qualified class name
* @param argv Argument vector for main()
* @param classLoader the classLoader to load {@className} with
protected static Runnable findStaticMain(String className, String[] argv,
ClassLoader classLoader) {
Class<?> cl;
try {
cl = Class.forName(className, true, classLoader);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Missing class when invoking static main " + className,
Method m;
try {
m = cl.getMethod("main", new Class[] { String[].class });
} catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Missing static main on " + className, ex);
} catch (SecurityException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Problem getting static main on " + className, ex);
int modifiers = m.getModifiers();
if (! (Modifier.isStatic(modifiers) && Modifier.isPublic(modifiers))) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Main method is not public and static on " + className);
* This throw gets caught in ZygoteInit.main(), which responds
* by invoking the exception's run() method. This arrangement
* clears up all the stack frames that were required in setting
* up the process.
return new MethodAndArgsCaller(m, argv);