select * from website
select name from website
select name country from website
select distinct country from websites
select * from Websites where country = ‘CN’;
select * from websites where id= 1;
select * from Websites where country = ‘CN’ and alexa >50;
select * from Websites where country = ‘USA’ or country = ‘CN’;
select * from Websites where alexa >15 and (country = ‘CN’ or country = ‘USA’);
(5)order by 关键字用于对结果集按照一个列或者多个列进行排序,默认升序,降序desc
select * from Websites order by alexa;
select* from Websites order by alexa DESC;
select *from Websites order by country, alexa;
(6)insert into用于向表中插入新记录
insert into websites (name, url, alexa,country) values(‘百度’,’https://www.baidu.com/’,’4’,’CN’);
insert into Websites (name,url, country)values (‘stackoverflow’,’http://stackoverflow.com/’,’IND’);
update Websites set alexa = ‘5000’,country = ‘USA’ where name=‘菜鸟教程’;
delect from Websites where name= ‘百度’ and country=‘CN’;
delect from Websites或 delect * from Websites