我:why do people get married? 人们为什么要结婚
L: because people just do what other people do 因为看别人做什么大家也就做什么
我:why do people have children? 人们为什么要生孩子
L:because people just do what other people do 因为看别人做什么大家也就做什么
我: I feel that I can't do anything 我觉得我啥也干不了
L: It means you can do everything 这说明你啥都能去干
我:how to be successful? 怎么才能成功
L:at least do something other people don't do 起码做点别人不做的事
L:you know what is good about you? 你知道你优点是啥吗
我:what? 啥?
L:you say you don't know when you don't know, while most people try to hide it 当你不知道的时候你会说不知道, 而大多数人都不说
我:I dont know what should I do in my life 我不知道我这辈子要做什么
L:you just be yourself 做你自己
我:why Shakespeare hated Machiavelli? 莎士比亚为什么痛恨马基雅维利
L:because Shakespeare was the head of propaganda of the queen while Machiavelli suggested to cut the head of the kings and queens......I am glad that you study Machiavelli. 因为莎士比亚负责女王的政治宣传,而马基雅维利主张把皇室头砍掉。
我:I really don't know what to do
L:Do whatever the fuck you want