- 配置身份
git config --global user.name "kkxiaojun"
git config --global user.email "985531883@qq.com"
- 创建repository(仓库)
git init 创建仓库
git commit -m "First commit."-m参数来加上提交的描述信息
git add src **添加整个目录 **
git add . 添加所有的文件
git commit -m "ssh员工管理系统实现" 真正提交
git remote add origin git@github.com:kkxiaojun/EMSystemDo.git 连接远程
git push -u origin master 同步到远程
第一次加-u,二次后:git push origin master
- 之后每次修改或添加
git add
git commit
git push origin master
- 从远程库克隆
git clone git@github.com:kkxiaojun/EMSystemDo.git
git branch iss53 创建分支
git checkout iss53 切换到分支
git merge 合并分支
git pull # 抓取远程仓库所有分支更新并合并到本地
git pull --no-ff # 抓取远程仓库所有分支更新并合并到本地,不要快进合并
git fetch origin # 抓取远程仓库更新
git merge origin/master # 将远程主分支合并到本地当前分支
git co --track origin/branch # 跟踪某个远程分支创建相应的本地分支
git co -b <local_branch> origin/<remote_branch> # 基于远程分支创建本地分支,功能同上
git push # push所有分支
git push origin master # 将本地主分支推到远程主分支
git push -u origin master # 将本地主分支推到远程(如无远程主分支则创建,用于初始化远程仓库)
git push origin <local_branch> # 创建远程分支, origin是远程仓库名
git push origin <local_branch>:<remote_branch> # 创建远程分支
git push origin :<remote_branch> #先删除本地分支(git br -d <branch>),然后再push删除远程分支
git error : ssh: Could not resolve hostname?
检查ssh-key (这是有的,没有则需要生成)
ssh-key - 生成ssh-key
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "xxxxxx@yy.com" #建议填写自己真实有效的邮箱地址
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/c/Users/xxxx_000/.ssh/id_rsa): 直接回车
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): #输入密码(可以为空)
Enter same passphrase again: #再次确认密码(可以为空)
Your identification has been saved in /c/Users/xxxx_000/.ssh/id_rsa. #生成的密钥
Your public key has been saved in /c/Users/xxxx_000/.ssh/id_rsa.pub. #生成的公钥
The key fingerprint is:
e3:51:33:xx:xx:xx:xx:xxx:61:28:83:e2:81 xxxxxx@yy.com -
- 找出ssh-key
[root@localhost ~]# cd ~/.ssh/
id_rsa id_rsa.pub known_hosts
[root@localhost ~]# cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAyFWY3VgY8D4IDqQKOCW3bTovL7cZunWaCIl69A16POCJIpNSymEZw2wUYfGdvwmX93kp4xEqPK9/rX30duLfRWgMNV8/YE6AGZo90YXfMmti/OXHvnTrHI82LgiabX6UH1QfXQhSAtq3AHWc4KIu/0HcZUYBgTalmpNlmsol7dgTpwMQPriwNdE65dc0ZeHUxY3cHNI+v5lXjSYlRBaoJnowY5qim4ld4hH2QGYNQ+GuzPXtCkBIbkG+uiADKrDyPVGOgjbC7To4BsKoIO2/0NkRCV0/G01kL393oWmhhIlk/OhhJZ5Z6QnC1EubX/e9n0lglbdXo7St8WjT4/3qtQ== wuzhiyi51@gmail.com
- 将SSHKey文件复制添加到GitHub上的SSH keys即可
2.[Git push halts on “Writing Objects: 100%]
git config --global http.postBuffer 524288000即可解决