"A"and"B" Streets
The classification of A and B streets was invented by new urbanists to prioritize thoroughfares that were,or could be transformed into,commendable predestrian experience.The classification is rudimentary but helps identify pedestrian-friendly and auto-oriented thoroughfares
A streets are thoroughfares that provide an excellent pedestrian experience and promote safety,comfort,and convenience for pedestrians.These streets have the characteristics that are good for walking such as buildings and entrances fronting the street,wide sidewalks,crosswalks,street trees,well-designed street lighting,narrow curb-to-curb dimensions,small curb radii,parallel parking on-street,and lower traffic speeds.
B streets are thoroughfares that are intended for automobile-related functions such as access to parking lots or garages,loading docks,drive-through businesses,and gas stations.They are less accommodating of pedestrians.Frontage and build-to-line requirements may be less stringent on B streets.
The diagram on the left illustrates a tartan grid of alternating A and B streets。The A streets have a narrow curb-to-curb dimension,on-street parking,and street trees,whereas the B streets have a wider curb-to-curb dimension,dedicated left turn lanes,and access to alleys。
The block platting achieves a bias toward A streets by having two-thirds of the lots front the A streets and one-third face the B streets。All lots are accessible from the Alley network.
Corner lots are usually desirable for retail businesses as they are visible from four directions。Lots at the intersection of A and B streets are optimum for retail businesses that rely on both pedestrian and vehiclar traffic。
In retrofit situations,A streets may be designated to receive prioritized spending for pedestrian and bicyclist safety,street-tree plantings,and other elements that are desirable on pedestrian-friendly thoroughfares。