Errors of Reaction
When we have once adopted an opinion, our pride makes us loth to admit that we are wrong. When objections are made to our views, we are more concerned with discovering how to combat them than how much truth or sound sense there may be in them; we are at pains rather to find fresh support for our own views, than to face frankly any new facts that appear to contradict them. We all know how easy it is to become annoyed at the suggestion that we have made a mistake; that our first feeling is that we would rather do anything than admit it, and our first thought is “How can I explain it away?”
To summarize, errors of reaction are face-saving devices we use to explain away criticism of our ideas. We will discuss five specific errors— automatic rejection, changing the subject, shifting the burden of proof, strawman, and attacking the critic.
automatic rejection
Changing the Subject
Shifting the Burden of Proof
稻草人 注意引用解释别人观点时要谨慎准确。把不实之词强加到别人身上,然后指出他说的不对的地方,这是无实质内容的论证。
Attacking the Critic