- 1.what is kaggle?
Kaggle was founded as a platform for predictive modelling and analytics competitions on which companies and researchers post their data and statisticians and data miners from all over the world compete to produce the best models. - wikipedia
- 2.what about "Kaggle Competitions: How and where to begin?"?
本文列出Kaggle的8个竞赛项目的相关信息,包括项目主题,机器学习难度,编程难度,领域知识难度以及教程的数量。以下brainmap为我做的总结,数字1,2,3,4分别代表难度从低到高:简单,适中,难,很难。不同程度的参与者可以根据自己的实际情况参与到相应的项目中。例如:你具有一定的编程能力,较少的机器学习技术可以选择“first step with Julia”,以此类推,不同技能水平的人都可以相应的找到适合自己的项目,参与其中。