* Abstract: Actually if we take the words in the list as nodes, by
* applying the rule of transformation we get a graph such that
* every edge maps to a legal transition between its
* two vertices. And the problem here becomes a graph's single-source
* shortest path problem, which, can be solved by BFS.
* Reference: Algorithms, 4ed, by Robert Sedgewick&Kevin Wayne
typedef struct QueueStruct {
int *items, head, tail;
Queue QueueCreate(int capacity) {
Queue queue = (Queue)malloc(sizeof(*queue));
queue->items = (int*)malloc(capacity * sizeof(int));
queue->tail = queue->head = 0;
return queue;
void QueueEnqueue(Queue queue, int item) { queue->items[queue->head++] = item; }
int QueueDequeue(Queue queue) { return queue->items[queue->tail++]; }
bool QueueIsEmpty(Queue queue) { return queue->head == queue->tail; }
typedef struct QLNodeStrcut {
Queue queue;
struct QNodeStrcut *next;
QLNode QLNodeCreate(Queue queue) {
QLNode x = (QLNode)malloc(sizeof(*x));
x->queue = queue;
x->next = NULL;
return x;
void bfs(int **table, int n, int *tableSize, int target, int *edgeTo, int qsize) {
bool *marked = (bool*)malloc(n * sizeof(*marked));
marked[0] = true;
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) { marked[i] = false; }
Queue queue = QueueCreate(qsize);
QueueEnqueue(queue, 0);
do {
int v = QueueDequeue(queue);
int *adj = table[v];
int adjn = tableSize[v];
for (int i = 0; i < adjn; i++) {
int w = adj[i];
if (!marked[w]) {
marked[w] = true;
edgeTo[w] = v;
QueueEnqueue(queue, w);
} while (!QueueIsEmpty(queue));
bool diff(char *key, char *word) {
size_t diff = 0, n = strlen(key), i = 0;
while (i < n && diff <= 1) {
if (key[i] != word[i]) { diff++; }
return diff == 1;
int ladderLength(char * beginWord, char * endWord, char ** wordList, int wordListSize) {
bool *blackList = (bool*)malloc(wordListSize * sizeof(*blackList));
for (int i = 0; i < wordListSize; i++) { blackList[i] = false; }
bool notFound = true;
int target = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < wordListSize; i++) {
if (strcmp(endWord, wordList[i]) == 0) {
notFound = false;
target = i + 1;
if (strcmp(beginWord, wordList[i]) == 0) { blackList[i] = true; }
if (notFound) { return 0; }
int **table = (int**)malloc((wordListSize + 1) * sizeof(*table));
int *tableSize = (int*)malloc((wordListSize + 1) * sizeof(*tableSize));
for (int i = 0; i <= wordListSize; i++) {
table[i] = (int*)malloc(wordListSize * sizeof(int));
tableSize[i] = 0;
//Build table
for (int i = 0; i < wordListSize; i++) {
if (diff(beginWord, wordList[i])) {
table[0][tableSize[0]++] = i + 1;
table[i + 1][tableSize[i + 1]++] = 0;
for (int i = 0; (i < wordListSize); i++) { if (!blackList[i]) { for (int j = 0; j < wordListSize; j++) { if ((j != i) && !blackList[j] && diff(wordList[i], wordList[j])) { table[i + 1][tableSize[i + 1]++] = j + 1; } } } }
int qsize = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= wordListSize; i++) { qsize += tableSize[i]; }
if (qsize == 0) { qsize = wordListSize + 1; }
int *edgeTo = (int*)malloc((wordListSize + 1) * sizeof(*edgeTo));
bfs(table, wordListSize + 1, tableSize, target, edgeTo, qsize);
int min = 0;
for (int v = target; v != 0; v = edgeTo[v]) {
if (v >= 0 && v <= wordListSize) {
} else {
min = INT_MAX;
if (min == INT_MAX) { return 0; }
return min + 1;