商户有 100元、50元、20元、10元、5元、2元 共6种面额的优惠券,假设每种面额库存有限;
* 组合算法:
* 如给出200/100/50/25 等几种面额,在每种库存有限或者无限的情况下,输入金额300,按照优先取大额的规则获取组合:
* 输入 300, 返回100*3
* 输入425,返回:200 * 2 + 25 * 1
public class Combination {
* 获取组合
* @param denominationsSortedByKeyDesc 面额,key: 面额值,value:库存,已按照key降序排序
* @param target 需要组合的数值
* @return 这里只返回一种组合方案(优先取大面额,取决于 denominations 的排序方式),key:面额,value:数量
public static Map<Double, Integer> getCombinationDenominationMaxFirst(NavigableMap<Double, Integer> denominationsSortedByKeyDesc, double target)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (denominationsSortedByKeyDesc == null || denominationsSortedByKeyDesc.size() == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Param denominations can not be null or empty.");
Map<Double, Integer> result = new HashMap<Double, Integer>();
// 获取最大值
double max = denominationsSortedByKeyDesc.firstKey();
int inventory = denominationsSortedByKeyDesc.firstEntry().getValue();
int times = (int) (target / max);
// 可以直接由最大金额组成,无需往下判断
if (target % max == 0 && times <= inventory) {
result.put(max, times);
return result;
// 只有一个面额的情况
if (denominationsSortedByKeyDesc.size() == 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("target value have none combinations.");
double min = denominationsSortedByKeyDesc.lastKey();
// 目标金额比最小面额还小,无法组合
if (target < min) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("target value have none combinations.");
if (times > inventory) {
times = inventory;
for (int i = times; i >= 0; i--) {
if (i > 0) {
result.put(max, i);
try {
result.putAll(getCombinationDenominationMaxFirst(denominationsSortedByKeyDesc.subMap(max, false, min, true), target - i * max));
return result;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("target value have none combinations.");
public static void main(String[] args) {
NavigableMap<Double, Integer> denominations = new TreeMap<Double, Integer>(new Comparator<Double>() {
public int compare(Double o1, Double o2) {
if (o2.doubleValue() > o1.doubleValue()) {
return 1;
} else if (o2.doubleValue() == o1.doubleValue()) {
return 0;
} else {
return -1;
denominations.put(10d, 3);
denominations.put(3d, 3);
denominations.put(1.5d, 3);
denominations.put(5d, 3);
System.out.println(getCombinationDenominationMaxFirst(denominations, 34.5));