I know people who graduated at 21 and didn’t get a job until they were 27.
有的人21岁毕业 到27岁才找到工作
I know people who graduated late at 25 and they found work immediately.
有的人25岁才毕业 但马上就找到了工作
I know people who never went to university, but found what they love at 18.
有的人没上过大学 却在18岁就找到了热爱的事
I know people who found a job straight out of college making decent money, but hate what they do.
有的人一毕业就找到好工作 赚很多钱 却过的不开心
I know people who took gap years and found their purpose.
有的人选择间隔年 去寻找自我
I know people who were so sure about what they were going to do at 16, they change their mind at 26.
有的人在16岁就清楚的知道自己要什么 但在26岁时改变了想法
I know people who have children but are single
有的人有了孩子 却还是单身
I know people who are married but had to wait 10 years to have children.
有的人结了婚 却等了10年才生孩子
I know people in relationships who love someone else.
有的人身处一段感情 爱的却是别人
I know people who love each other but aren’t together.
有的人明明彼此相爱 却没有在一起
Everything in life happens according to our time, our clock.
You may look at some of your friends and think that they’re ahead of you,
Maybe some of them you feel are behind.
But everything happens at their own pace.
They have their own time and clock and so do you.
他们有他们的节奏 你有你自己的
Be patient.
Getting your degree after 25 is still an achievement.
25岁后才拿到文凭 依然值得骄傲
Not being married at 30 but still happy is beautiful.
到了30是还不结婚 但过得快乐也是一种成功
Starting a family after 35 is still possible.
Buying a house after 40 is still great.
Don’t let anyone rush you with their timelines.
Because as Einstein said,
Not everything that counts can be counted
and not everting that’s counted truly counts.
不是每一件算的出来的事 都有意义
也不是每一件有意义的事 都能够被算出来