Words and phrases
Some nights he’d want us to crash with him at his converted garage flat in Orange Grove, which we did.
crash informal) to fall asleep; to sleep somewhere you do not usually sleep
例句»I was so tired I crashed out on the sofa.我累极了,在沙发上就睡着了。
»I've come to crash on your floor for a couple of nights.我来你家打几个晚上的地铺。
His mom treats him with a certain level of respect as the dad’s surrogate.
surrogate 替代的;代用的
例句»She saw him as a sort of surrogate father.在她心目中,他彷佛是能替代父亲角色的人
搭配~ for …的代用品
例句 He used the Internet as a surrogate for contact with real people.
近义词 substitute, proxy, representative, stand-in
He’d slip me pocket money now and again after my mother said I’d had enough.
slip to put sth somewhere quickly, quietly or secretly
例句»I managed to slip a few jokes into my speech.我设法在讲话中穿插了几个笑话。
»They'd slipped the guards some money.他们悄悄塞给卫兵一些钱。
The way my mother always explained it, the traditional man wants a woman to be subservient, but he never falls in love with subservient women.
Subservient 同义词 "compliant," "obedient," "submissive," or having the qualities of a servant.
1. ~ (to sb / sth) (disapproving) too willing to obey other people恭顺的;卑躬屈膝的
2. ~ (to sth) (formal) less important than sth else 次要;从属于
例句»The needs of individuals were subservient to those of the group as a whole.
I immersed myself in those worlds and I came back looking at the world a different way. I saw that not all families are violent. I saw the futility of violence, the cycle that just repeats itself, the damage that’s inflicted on people that they in turn inflict on others.
I saw, more than anything, that relationships are not sustained by violence but by love. Love is a creative act. When you love someone you create a new world for them.
Abel本身很强壮,又是在家庭是男主外,女主内的传统家庭长大的,所以他可能内心也有着女性要顺从的观念,但是又被独立自主的女性Trevor妈妈所吸引。很多传统男人都是这样的吧,娶了传统顺从的白玫瑰,喜欢反叛自主的红玫瑰。所以就不难理解Abel的暴力了,虽然喜欢Trevor妈妈,但是内心的征服欲得不到满足,先是一点暴力的苗头,到后面就愈演愈烈了。当然Abel也是有好的一面的,优秀的汽车修理工,不错的男朋友,暴力之前对Trevor也挺好,给他零花钱,帮他打回欺负他的孩子,虽然打过头了。但是像上一章Trevor说那里很多家庭都是暴力教育,Abel应该也是如此长大的,他们从小就是从挨打中得到教训,然后一代一代延续的恶性循环。所以Trevor说“the cycle that just repeats itself, the damage that’s inflicted on people that they in turn inflict on others.
然而大多时候暴力教育是无用甚至有害的,暴力只会导致暴力,轻视只会导致轻视,爱才会回应爱。relationships are not sustained by violence but by love.。只有爱的教育,才能让孩子健康的成长。