1 、What is Skyscanner Business data ?
In terms of the image of travel distribution, we can easily see that GDS/BSP already have lots of data. In the same time ,meta-search are getting more and more traffic of consumer side, which means , a big meta can also give valuable data.
(image of travel distribution
The definition of skyscanner business data can be found in skyscanner's site :
"Everytime your price is displayed, following a user search for one of the routes that you have provided, an HTTP POST request will be made to your callback URL."
There are three most important metric of skyscanner business data:
- position,which means where your content locate in list page
- ranking,which means where your content locate in detail page of an itinerary
- price diff,which means how much cheaper/expensive compairing with your competitor in detail page
2 、What is the different of skyscanner data and other?
We can say that, in some extent, GDS data(such as MIDT of 1A) is like booking data, and IATA data is ticketing data (except direct payment).
Skyscanner business data is more like GDS data, but players already do the markup and then put content into meta, and every player only have their own data.
For sure, we will not have passenger info and ticket info from meta search, but instead, we can have price difference and how other players in this market act and what kind of pricing they are using.
3、Will skyscanner data show a big enough picture?
This question is also in MIDT and IATA data.
- For MIDT, you will missing the data of those who do not go through gds, which is quite large in some airline-own-site-like country.
- For BSP data, you will lose booking data ,although ticketing data is rather close to booking data now days. But still there are some hacker price vender will delay the ticketing time.
- For skyscanner, it is clear that, it depends on how many consumer are using meta in this country and how many players offer content to meta. It is interesting that, you can have GDS/LCC/airline direct content in the same time - only if they put content into meta.
The pros & cons are easy to see :
- Meta data is rather useful in fragmented market -- which means all the players are small and there is not a giant monopolist such as Europe, in this kind of place, meta search can have big room to extend and become gate way of consumers.
- In the other hand , if a market is totally controlled by big players like US/CN, then meta will not have enough flexibility to grow.
4 、Anything else?
There is another benefit of meta data : LCC.
LCC data is rather complex and hard to get, both for MIDT and for IATA. But users love LCC, like me,like you maybe,the trend is showing that, FSC will more and more changing towards LCC.
To see the picture and follow this big changing, we all need data, and price-sensitive users like meta search,so LCC will give their price direct or indirectly to meta.
And skyscanner business will show you how these things happen between FSC/LCC, how the searching behavior changing from FSC to LCC and how the supplier adjust their price differently in FSC and LCC.
Many people like to talk about hotel price parity,thing is that,flight price parity is also very important (and funny),and skyscanner data can help on this topic.