This is a story redolent (充满着)with cordite(火药), blood ,and the salt of a million tears.
This is a novel that sings-- from death dirge(挽歌) to jubilant chorus (欢呼的)of freedom. It is, in the end, remarkable.
Mariam的父亲因为身份地位的关系而抛弃了即将临产的Mariam的母亲,而她一生下来就成了私生女。虽然她的父亲是当地一土豪,儿他们依然住在郊区的山上。母亲自杀后Mariam在她的继母们的逼迫下远嫁一个鞋匠,当时的她只有15,而她的丈夫45。十几年的操劳由于各种原因,流产,最终也失去了丈夫的爱和耐心。经常遭暴打,而她都默默的忍受着。她是个温和听话的妻子。后来Laila由于战争父母双亡,无奈之下嫁给了Mariam的丈夫Rasheed. 当时她才14,Rasheed将近60岁。两个妻子之间虽有矛盾一开始,但是后来成为了亲密无间的如同母女一般的关系。以至于后来Mariam为了救要被Rasheed打死的Laila时候决定杀死他们的丈夫,并且甘愿承担一切罪责,以此来造就了Laila后来的幸福生活。
Love had never been declared to her so guilelessly, so unreservedly .Aziz made marine want to weep.
In a few years, this girl will be a woman who will make small demands on life, who will never burden others, who will never let on that she also has had sorrows ,disappointments, dreams that have been ridiculed. A woman will be like a rock in a riverbed, enduring without complaint, her grace not be sullied but shaped by the turbulence that washed over her. Already Laila sees something behind this young girl's eyes. Something deep in her core that neither Rasheed nor Taliban will be able to break, something as hard and unyielding as a block of limestone. Something that. In the end, will be her undoing and Laila's salvation.