1. spiral
noun: a shape made up of curves, each one above or wider than the one before螺旋形
This year's downward spiral of house prices has depressed the market.
verb:to move in a spiral
With one wing damaged, the model airplane spiralled downwards.
adj:螺旋形的:a spiral galaxy 漩涡星系
2. be worried by 被...所困扰
be worried about 为...担忧
3. most notably by: 尤其受...
notably近义词:especially, in particular
4. seperate from and independent of
Time was completely separate from and independent of space
5. unambiguous
adv: expressed in a way that makes it completely clearwhat is meant: 非常清晰的
they believed that one could unambiguously measure the interval of time between two events
ambiguous: 含糊不清的
6. eclipse
noun: That's when the sun, earth or moon cross paths and cover each other up temporarily.日食月食 引申为黯然失色
On Wednesday there will be a total/partial eclipse of the sun.周三将有一次日全/偏食
The eclipseofthe ruling political party was inevitable.执政党大势已去,无可挽回。
verb: cause an eclipse of (a celestial body) by intervention掩饰天体的光芒;be greater in significance than光芒盖过...; 淹没...的重要性
Themoonwill betotallyeclipsed at 12.10 p.m.晚上12点10分会出现月全食。
Theeconomyhas eclipsed all otherissuesduring thiselectioncampaign.
同义词:occult, overshadow, dominate
易混淆: ellipse:椭圆
7. crest
noun: the top or highest part of something such as a wave or a hill
wave crest 波峰
8. infrared
adj: infrared light is a type of light that feels warm but cannot be seen 红外线
9. ultraviolet
Ultravioletlighthas awavelengththat is after theviolet(=lightpurple)end of therangeofcoloursthat can beseenbyhumans. Light of thistypecausestheskintobecomedarkerin thesun. 紫外线
10. hitherto
until now or until a particular time迄今为止
If you find ahitherto undiscovered hidden tunnel in your cellar, you're the first to discover it.
11. patent
noun: Apatentis a government document that proves that an invention is yours and yours alone.
adj: very obvious
verb: obtain a patent for; grant rights to; grant a patent for
12. postulate
verb: Assume something or present it as a fact and you postulate it 假设 假定
noun: (logic) a proposition that is accepted as true in order to provide a basis for logical reasoning 假设, 假定
13. cesium
cesium clock铯原子钟
14. platinum
15. convenient
adj: suitable for your purposes and needs and causing the least difficulty方便的,便利的,省事的
near or easy to get to or use: 近的,容易得到的,好用的
a very convenient bus service
16. light-second
17. millionth
noun: position 1,000,000 in a countable series of things第一百万
the factory has sold its millionth car
one of a million equal parts of something 百万分之一 a millionth of a second
18. geodesic
noun: (mathematics) the shortest line between two points on a mathematically defined surface (as a straight line on a plane or an arc of a great circle on a sphere) 测量,测地
19. elongated
adj: longer and thinner than usual 拉长的,细长的
a rather elongated orbit
20. hail
Hailis when chunks of ice fall from the sky. Also, tohailsomeone is to greet them or say good things about them. Or it can be a way to tell people of your homeland, as in: "Ihailfrom the Moon."
21. reconciliation
Reconciliation is the act of getting two things to be compatible with one another. You might have areconciliationwith a former enemy, or your mom might call for areconciliationbetween your spending habits and your diminishing bank account.
22. ionic
In chemistry, anionic bondis a connection between two ions with opposite charges. When a positive and a negative ion form a chemical bond, it's anionic bond.
23. paradox悖论
24. arena竞技场