A:Hey yo,this is Alex.
G:hello guys ,this is Girlin,Hey Alex, have you ever thought of join the army?
A:Me?Join the arm? You must be kidding me!
G:Why not?The soldiers are very charming.
A:Yes,they are,but me.I got a dozen of scars on my body,and I got some tattoos.U know ,when I was teenage,I'm a punk.
G:Well,this just got interesting.
A:If I join the arm, I mey harvest dozens of kicks on my ass,anyway,I do care my butt!Ok?
G:Hahaha,strange dude!Ok~!did u see Forrset and bubaa how to through that war?
A:Yes, that's the reason I don't wanna join the army,It seems like hurts.So,I just sit right here and take care of my buns is perfect!
G:Hahaha. Again,strange dude!看来Alex真的是很在乎他的小圆面包呀,也许那是他身上唯一没伤疤的地方。
串1.They got us, and it hurt.他们压制住了我们
例:They are too strong,so they got us, and it hurt. 他们太强,以至于压制住了我们。
串2.I ran and ran just like … told me to.我一直跑,就像… 要我做的
例:I study and study just like Yangma told me to. 我一直不停的努力学习,就像杨妈要我做的那样。
串3.I ran so far so fast that pretty soon I was all by myself.我跑得这么快这么远,很快就只剩下我一个人。
例:In that game,I ran so far so fast that pretty soon I was all by myself.在那场比赛中,我跑的又快又远,以至于很快后来就剩我一个人了。
They got us, and it hurt.We're going to move back to the blue line.Pull back! Pull back!Forrest! Run, Forrest!I ran and ran just like Jenny told me to.I ran so far so fast that pretty soon I was all by myself,which was a bad thing.Bubba.Bubba was my best good friend.I had to make sure he was O.K.Where the hell are you?