China care home(为有特殊需要人群设立的护理中心) rewards visits to elderly parents
Filial piety (孝心)is a major aspect of Confucian tradition(儒家传统), but some elderly people see little of their children.
【提炼句型】:A is a major aspect of B:表示A是B中非常重要的一部分。
A nursing home(养老院)in eastern China is giving vouchers(代金券)to people who visit their elderly parents on a regular basis(定期).
The facility(等于上述的care home及nursing home)in the city of Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, says consistent family visits(家人的持续探望)will improve residents' (养老院的住户)quality of life, the Yangtze Evening Post(扬子晚报)reports.The biggest reward(最高奖金)is worth 200 yuan ($29; £23) and is for those who show up(出现、露面)30 times over the course oftwo months(于两个月内). Lesser amounts are on offer(可供出售的,此处表示10次与20次探视也可获得奖励)for 10 or 20 visits during the same period.
The care home says the number of people visiting regularly has soared(猛增)since it introduced the initiative. It might end up as(最终成为)rather a costly endeavour(烧钱的义举), though - the first set of "filial piety awards" saw vouchers worth more than 30,000 yuan ($4,400; £3,400) handed out(分发).
【提炼句型】:the number of A has soared since B:自B之后,A的数量激增。可用于图表作文。
One resident called Mr Wu, who's in his 90s, says the "added incentive(附加的激励措施)" has made a big difference to(对xx产生重大影响)him. "My son has come to see me a lot more than before - it seems as though this 'award' has played a role," he tells the paper.
【提炼句型】:A has made a big difference to B:A对B产生重大影响。
The incentive follows a recent push by the authorities to encourage filial piety. In 2013, a law was enacted(制订法律)which said grown-up children(成年子女)must visit their parents or potentially face punishment(否则,可能面临罚款风险), although it didn't spell out(详加说明)how it would be enforced(强制实行).
Views are mixed on microblogging site Weibo(微博上,大家观点不一). Some people feel that the positive end result is all that matters(该句式可用于作文,表示xx是最重要的事). "No matter what the reason, at the end of the day (最终)the nursing home has done a good thing," remarks(留言)one user, while another says it will serve as(作为)a "wake-up call(提醒信号)to others". But there's also anger that it takes money to make people visit their parents more often, with one person writing: "Ridiculous, even the great motherland's filial piety requires a financial incentive."
【提炼句型】:Some people feel that ... But there's also anger that…:可用于议论文中两种观点的提出。