☞生活中或许会有小失望不断 但是大事还得有奔头 还不至于绝望
——为人三会There may be minor disappointments in life, but majorevents still have to go ahead and not despair.
☞听说最理想的生活 最干净的圈子规律的生活和中意的人
——修心三不I heard about the ideal life, the cleanest circle, theregular life and the people I like.
☞希望能戒掉身上的焦虑和恐惧不安 希望可以拥抱平静然后等待快乐降临
——修心三不Hope to get rid of anxiety and fear. Hope to embracepeace and wait for happiness to come.
——为人三会Remember to love yourself unconditionally at theworst of times.
☞我已无暇顾及过去 我要向前走 人生短暂 自己认为值得 不留遗憾足矣
Thave no tme to thrnk about the past Tuant,go
forusard for a short time I thrnk ts enough to leave noregrets