【個人覺知的力量 Personal Power Through Awareness】Day 204
“智慧是能夠分辨什麼訊息該注意, 什麼訊息該放下”
“當人們帶著憤怒對你說不仁慈、不真實的話, 最好學習寬恕他們。學會不回應別人內在的負面和恐懼是一種智慧, 保持開放的心胸, 用愛和慈悲的更高角度來看。很多人常用憤怒的情緒談論困難的時光, 責備別人和製造不好的感覺。學會不要用憤怒來回應, 把焦點放在別的事情上。” Ch14《擁有大我的智慧》P. 219~220
“Wisdom is being able to discern which messages to pay attention to and which to release.”
“When people speak to you in anger, saying unkind or untrue things, it is best to learn to forgive them. It is wise to learn not to respond to the negativity or fear in others. Keep your heart open and come from that loving, compassionate, and higher view. There are many who would speak of hard times, who blame others, and create bad feelings through their words and their anger. Learn not to respond with anger but to focus instead on other things.” Ch14