《The Bible》can be called the oldest book in the world,and the first one be written among so much religious classics.The first few books was written by lsrael Mose at 3500 years ago(amount to Chinese Shang Dynasty) by The ancient Hebrew .the latest books was finished at the end of the first century ad .During 1600 years ,there are more than 40 people written 《The Bible》.It was consisted by 66 books ,the first one called The Genesis ,which recorded the process of creating the earth ,the origin of the mankind,the history of the early man .the other scriptures includes history,law,prophesy,poetry,letters,proverbs and much valuable data .
《The Bible》is very ancient,and once be destroyed by the authorities nearly .but it shows strong vitality .it was not only didn't be annihilation in the torrent of history,but also became the most widely circulated book in the world.some parts or the whole book has been translated into 2500 languages , and the total prints has been 30 billion .Today 98 percentage of the population can read《The Bible》by their familiar mother language.Think over please ,if the god wants to communicate with people with a book ,that book should be wildly circulated ,and be translated into various languages,so everyone can benefit from it .《The Bible》is a book which like that .
Why it always under vicissitudes since《The Bible》has such a high social position .in my point of view,only China Confucianism culture can be compared with it for its huge influence,long history .The contribution《The Bible》made to religion is more directly than Confucianism does.As the same ,the root cause of the transform to the China Confucianism is to adjust it to make it meet the needs of ruling class.we can guess that whether changes of the comprehension about《The Bible》is out of these reason.
As we all know that Reformation launched by Martin Luther make a significant impact. at the beginning of sixteenth century。the theocracy and economic plunder that the church of Roma put on reach the top ,even in 1517,the pope sent people to sell Indulgences,so Martin Luther launched the campaign,raised a thought justification by faith;Translating《The Bible》into German caused its fall from the altar.everyone can readdirectly,everyone can talk to the god;the right of interpretation aboutdidn't only belong to Priest.
How can Martin Luther succeed?it can't be separated from support from ruling class,the authority here doesn't mean the pope but the german imperial who wanted to get rid of its exploitation.because there is a sentence “custom power above the church,and eventually dominate the church”in his thought ;that means the church should obey international royalty command;it urged German establish the principle of“state religion rely on the kingdom”to bring a new religion “Lutheranism”.
Its success is not just out of this,during fifteenth century to sixteenth century, in German capitalism first emerged and Reformation hit Catholic badly;Although it didn't point to the imperial straightly,it pushed the struggle against feudalism.it took a big step in developing Capitalism。we can see that there is a close link between religion develop and the political struggle ,new class development .
Another huge event with《The Bible》as the core is production of puritanism ;it played an important role in establishment of the British colonies in North America;and effect politics ,economic ,thought ,culture vividly.puritanism acknowledged《The Bible》as the only authority, stressed that everyone from different classes are created equal in the presence of god.they believe in Calvin’s Predestination that “Man propose but god dispose”.they advocating fund “No ecclesiastical hierarchy of democracy”,republic church ,against king and bishop despotism;what’s more ,they accept Calvin doctrine,urged to abolish Episcopal system and Idolatry;reduce religious festival ;promoted thrift,object luxury and indulgence.for they couldn’t meet their requirement in the Anglican church,they divorced from it to rebuilt an independent church,elect elders to administrate events.they praised accumulation of wealth,encourage frugality,diligence,enterprise.these points reflected wish and purposes belong to the capitalist class.the pioneer went into exile in Europe during the rule of Marie1.
What we can see from it is that religion and political effected each other ,mingled and traded with each other!
Let’s come back to see the process of evolution,the third one of the most important.in the first century 30’,a new religion appeared among the jews,these jews insisted their basic faith when they believed the Messiah who be longed from generation to generation has been born,he is son of the god,be brought by the virgin Maria .they broken up Judaism convention,began to spread gospel above to other nations,propagated you will be resolved once you believe in god and follow the Jesus.Messiah in Hebrew was translated into Jesus in roman empire,followers named themselves Christian,their new ideas looked the same with rebellion in eyes of the ruler of rome;be treated as heresy by the Pharisees who strict adherence to jewish law;they suffered from two sides.Jesus was crucified on the cross,many christian be killed or be thrown into prison.Persecution lasting several century,but the christian still spread in secret way underground,eventually formed Christian.
During longtime persecution ,the christian became more smooth then.in order to avoid rebel suspects ,with several generations theologist and philosopher processing,Christian doctrine became more refined and philosophical;and they payed attention to spread to upper-class and imperial household;the ruler of Rome realized that unified spirit of faith benefits their domination without harm.in 313,eastern roman empire united western roman empire to publish 《Edict of Milan》,acknowledged christian have the legal status,in the end of the fourth century ,established it as a national religion .after ,Christian existed and expanded with authority support ,and expanded along with the expansion ,church groups went throughout Europe,West Asia,North african .
After fifteenth Century,with the development of navigation technology,the great geographical discovery,imperialist colonialism and the development of East-West trade ,the missionary went up a stairs;the Christian spread to the whole world , finally turned into a international religion.the authority’s attitude to the christian changed from oppression to support,not only because christian doctrine improved a lot ,but also for it adapted to the demand of the ruling class.
in fact,we can get this point of view for the variety of a female figure in,the great woman is Magdalene。let’s look at how the Baidu Encyclopedia describe her:
For a long time,the woman appeared in Christian legend as a prostitute who had been rescued by Jesus;she washed Jesus’s feet by her tears of repentance,dried them with fine soft hair ;she wept and prayed to feed Jesus a drink when Jesus was crucified;after death of jesus,she was ready to washed his body with oil purification;then surprised to discover that Jesus died and rose again……The story is very moving,very curious.however,Christianity history scholars are not satisfied with the word “Maria Magdalene”,simple description in bible,diligently search records,to copy out the mysterious woman’s face.in1896,a German scholar found thein cario;in 1943,was found in a clay pot……
The truth seems to be delivered from oppression.Maria Magdalene is not a prostitute,opposite that she may be jesus’s most intimate partner or belief in the world;Jesus has worked with her to teach the gospel,this treatment never be given to others even the famous twelve disciples;there was speculation that said pages inwhich gnawed by the ant,records Jesus’s kiss in Maria Magdalene lips,understanding,trust and intimacy……
Nevertheless,the neglection of Maria Magdalene in the history of christianity.Maybe she should not leave the Magdalene to follow her own beliefs ,maybe she should not show her deep understand of jesus’s sincerity,maybe she should not have no fear and act as Peter’s enemy to Inheritance Jesus’s behest to broadcast gospel;maybe she not just be a woman……
Why such a sacred image of woman have been trying to cover up,discredit ,until it was right ?Dan Brown gives us a suggestion in<Da Vinci code>;when people evolute from matriarchal society to patriarchal clan society, the patriarchal society, such an image of women has not adapt to the needs of their domination,so,they try to deny the woman who will be stain in their eyes.
Pope of Rome is not the first one who use religion to strongenth domination ,integration of politics exists since ancient time .the church inorder to makemore suitable to the requirement of the rule,they give each thoughts which useas the laedership support or oppression.like a survival of the fittest in the evolution process until it suits its concept of the rule, the same as Chinese ancient rule’s attitude towards Confucianism!
what’sattitude towards the ruling class?has given the answer:“in authority, everyone must obey. Because there is no power but of God. All powers are ordered by God”,which is similar to the “divine right of kings”in confucianism,it makes obedience lied in conscience,and strength the directionless partly!
《The Bible》also tied the ruling class ——the officer do justice,and the people will obey,but they only emphasize that people should obey,and ignore the requirements of the ruler!
In a word, development ofcan’t be separated from political appeal and characteristics of the ruling class,it depends whether the idea ofcan agree with the political appeal at that time.and the idea ofwas given new explanation, and the process to get a good situation!the reason for changes in status of the ideological which has had great influence in the history,if we know somethings about establishion and transformation,it will easier to understand !Different understandings that Marx and Capitalism received in capitalist countries shows this truth!
No matter which kind of ideology,only if it can maintain the political system well,it can be spread wildly! it says that ideology or religion originates under special regime,and the thoughts will effect the regime! this can be named interaction between culture and politics!