让煤炭成为历史,or 告别煤炭(西方发达国家的煤炭用量下降了,庆祝的同时,亚洲应当紧随步伐)
1.First paragraph
Around the world the mood is shifting.(世界的现状正发生着转变)Xi Jinping has adopted a target to cut China's net carbon emissions to zero by 2060.(习主席正式通过一项计划,目标是在2060年实现全中国的净碳排放量为0) Under Joe Biden, America will rejoin the Paris agreement, which it adopted five years ago.(拜登政府将使美国重新加入巴黎协定,就像他们5年前做的一样) In the Financial markets clean-energy firms are all the rage.(在金融市场上,大量清洁能源公司掀起一股热潮) This month Tesla will join the S&P 500 share index—as one its largest members.(本月,特斯拉将加入标准普尔500指数,并成为指数权重占比最大的公司之一,句中省略了of(as one of its largest members. ))
mood n. 心情; 情绪; 气氛; 坏心境; 坏脾气; 氛围
adopt v.收养; 领养; 采用(某方法); 采取(某态度); 正式通过,表决采纳(建议、政策等);
net n.网; 网状物; 有专门用途的网; 球门网; adj.净的; 净得的; 纯的; 最后的; 最终的; v.净赚; 净得; 用网捕捉(鱼等); (巧妙地)捕获,得到;
all the rage. adj.时尚; 风行一时; 风行一时的事物;
clean-energy n.清洁能源 clean-xxx
2.Second paragraph
Remarkably, in a realm where words are cheap, there has been action, too.(出乎意料地,在一个人人都可以吹上两句的领域(指环保),也是有实际行动的。) In America and Europe the consumption of coal, the largest source of greenhouse gases, has fallen by 34% since 2009.(美国和欧洲的煤炭消耗量(煤炭是最主要的产生温室气体的能源)和2009的数据相比下降了34%) The International Energy Agency, an Intergovernmental body, reckons that global use will never surpass its pre-covid peak.(国际能源署(一个国际组织),估计全球的煤炭需求量将不会超过疫情前的最高峰)
remarkably adv. 非常;极为;格外;出乎意料地
3.Third paragraph
Yet coal still accounts for around 27% of the raw energy (which is省略) used to power everything from cars to electric grids.(然而,煤炭仍然大概占了原生能源的27%(原生能源为包括火车,电网等几乎所有东西提供动力)) Unlike natural gas and oil, it is concentrated carbon, and thus it accounts for a staggering 39% of annual emissions of CO2 from fossil fuels (see Briefing).(不像天然气或者石油,它的主要成分是浓缩碳,也正因如此,每年燃烧煤炭所产生的CO2占所有化石燃料所释放的CO2排放总量的比例达到惊人的39%。(有兴趣的可以看看Briefing专栏的文章)) If global emissions are to fall far enough, fast enough, the task now is to double down on the West's success and repeat it in Asia. It will not be easy.(如果想让全球的温室气体排放量下降得更多更快,那么现在西方世界应该加倍努力(减少煤炭的使用),亚洲的国家也要努力这样做,这件事不会一帆风顺。)
raw adj.生的;未烹制的;未煮的;未经加工的 n. 痛处;生的食物;纯酒;粗糖
4th paragragh
Coal came of age in the Industrial Revolution.(在工业革命时期,人们开始使用煤炭。) In the rich world its use in furnaces and boilers peaked in the 1930s and faded as cleaner fuels became available. (在发达国家,煤炭在熔炉以及蒸汽锅的使用在20世纪30年代达到了顶峰,之后逐渐被可用的清洁能源取代)Consumption in the West has recently collapsed.(在西方,煤炭的消耗量最近暴跌了) In Britain the last coal-fired power plants could close as soon as 2022.(英国最后一批燃煤发电厂将最快在2022年关闭) Peabody Energy, a big American coal miner, has warned that it may go bankrupt for the second time in five years. (煤企巨头皮博迪能源公司发出通告称,其有可能在接下来的5年中再次破产。)
5th paragragh
Although carbon prices accelerated the shift in Europe, the Trump administration has favoured America's coal industry with deregulation and political suppport—and still it has declined.(尽管煤炭的价格加速了欧洲的转型,然而特朗普政府曾经放松监管来给予美国的煤炭工业政策支持—不过它还是呈衰退趋势) One reason is competition from cheap natural gas produced in America by fracking.(其中一个原因是来自美国用水力压裂技术挖掘出来的廉价的天然气的竞争。) Tax credits and subsidies have prompted renewables to scale up , which has in turn helped drive down their costs.(税收抵免以及补贴也促使可再生能源发展壮大起来,同时也减少了他们的成本。) Solar farms and onshore wind are now the cheapest source of new electricity for at least two-thirds of the world's population, says BloombergNEF, a data group.(太阳能发电厂以及海风能源是现在是最便宜的新电力能源,它们惠及了全世界至少2/3的人口。) As coal faces cleaner rivals and the prospect of more regulation, banks and investors are turning away, raising coal's cost of capital. (当煤炭面对更加清洁的“对手”以及更严格的挖煤规则,银行和投资者势必不看好它,这也提高了煤炭的资本成本。)
6th paragragh
This is a victory, but only a partial one.(这是一次胜利,不过仅仅是小部分的) In the past decade, as Europe has turned against coal, consumption in Asia has grown by a quarter.(过去十年,当欧洲开始抵制使用煤炭,亚洲的煤炭消耗量却增长了1/4.) The continent now accounts for 77% of all coal use.(现在亚洲对煤炭的使用量占了全世界的77%。) China alone burns more than two-thirds of that, followed by India.(中国就燃烧了其中超过2/3的煤炭,印度紧随其后。) Coal dominates in some medium-sized, fast-growing economies, including Indonesia and Vietnam.(煤炭在一些包括印度尼西亚以及越南的中等大小,发展迅速的经济体中占主导地位。)
7th paragragh
If the aim is to limit global temperature rises to 2℃ above pre-industrial levels, it is no good waiting for Asia's appetite for coal to fade.(如果不想让全球气温升高2℃,这个气温是相较于工业革命之前的时期的水平,等待亚洲对煤炭的胃口逐渐消失不是明智的做法。(潜台词等亚洲不用煤炭的时候,黄花菜都凉了)) New plants are still being built.(大量的工厂仍然在建设当中。) Many completed ones are not yet fully utilised and still have decades of life in them.(许多刚开始运营的工厂也还没有100%地投入使用,况且它们还有几十年的寿命在等着它们) Nor is it enough to expect a solution from "clean coal" technologies, which aim to capture and store emissions as they are released.(仅仅依靠靠“洁净煤”科技来解决问题远远不够,所谓洁净煤百度一下是指在释放温室气体的过程中尽量减少它们的排放) They may help deal with pollution from industrial used, such as steelmaking, but they are too expensive for power generation.(它们可能会对处理工业污染有帮助,比如说钢铁制造行业,但是这样用来运转的成本就太高了。)
8th paragragh
Hence Asia needs new policies to kick its coal habit, and soon.(因此亚洲需要尽快出台新的政策来降低煤炭使用) The goal should be to stop new coal-fired power plants being built and to retire existing ones.(基本目标是禁止更多的烧炭厂被建造,同时将现存的烧炭厂淘汰掉。) Some countries have taken a first step, by imposing new targets and bans.(许多国家已经通过颁布新的禁令和目标迈出了第一步。) The Philippines has declared a moratorium on new plants; Japan and Bangladesh are slowing construction, too.(菲律宾已经宣布终止新建工厂;日本和孟加拉国也作出了相关的规划。) China's new five-year-plan, which will be published next year, may limit coal use.(中国将于下一年发布的新五年计划中可能会限制煤炭的使用。) It should set its cap at current levels, so that the decline can start immediately.(全世界应该设置这些规则,这样煤炭的使用量才能开始下降。)
kick the habit v. + n. 戒掉坏习惯。
imposing v. 出台规矩
moratorium [ˌmɒrəˈtɔːriəm] n. 暂停
Bangladesh n. 孟加拉国
construction n. 施工;建筑;建立;建造 (这里翻译成规划好点)
9th paragragh
If targets are to be credible, Asian countries must tackle deeper problems.(如果想要让以上的目标成为现实,亚洲的国家应该处理更深层次的问题。) The strategy that worked in Europe and America will get them only so far, because the mining firms, power stations, equipment-makers and the banks that finance them are often state-controlled.(在美国和欧洲实行的策略不足以解决亚洲的问题,因为挖煤公司、发电站、设备制造商以及资助这条产业链的银行大多数都是国营企业。) Market forces and carbon taxes, which use price signals to change incentives, are therefore less effective.(市场的力量以及对煤征收的税(它们通过价格改变激励机制)也会因此大大减少影响力。言外之意,国营企业比较不care市场以及这个东西收多少税。)The coal economy forms a nexus of employment, debt, tax revenues and exports.(煤炭经济创造了一条融合各种职业,银行贷款,政府税收以及煤炭出口的产业链。) China has used its Belt and Road Initiative to sell both mining machinery and power plants.(中国用他们的一带一路卖了很多的大型挖煤机器和发电厂。) Across the region, local governments depend on coal for revenues.(一带一路上各个地方的当地政府都十分依赖煤炭来增加税收。) Many will defend it ferociously.(很多人不会轻易放弃他们的利益。)
10th paragragh
One step in fighting regional lobbies is to redesign power systems so that renewables can compete fairly and incentives work.(应对区域游说活动的第一步是重新设计电力系统,以使可再生能源能够公平竞争并采取激励措施。) Most renewables provide only intermittent power, because the weather is changeable.(大多数可再生能源只能提供断断续续的电力支持,因为天气总是变化的。(google翻译)由于天气多变,大多数可再生能源仅提供间歇性电力。)National smart grids can mitigate this by connecting dfferent regions.(国家智能电网能通过将不同区域相连来减轻天气的影响。(google翻译)国家智能电网可以通过连接不同地区来缓解这种情况。) Too many of Asia's electricity systems muffle market signals because they are locked into legacy long-term supply contracts with coal firms, and because they are riddled with opaque subsidies and price caps.(太多的亚洲电力系统受限于与煤矿公司历史遗留的长期合约,其中也充斥着不透明的津贴和价格上限问题,所以导致他们压抑市场信号。(Google翻译)亚洲太多的电力系统会模糊市场信号,因为它们被锁定在与煤炭公司的长期长期供应合同中,并且因为它们充斥着不透明的补贴和价格上限。) Removing these so that markets and taxes work better will let renewable power undercut coal.(将这些东西移除掉,为了市场和税收政策能更好地运作,能使可再生能源逐步取代煤炭。)
intermittent adj. 断断续续的;间歇的
11th paragragh
The other step is to compensate losers.(第二个是要补偿相应的受害者) The lesson from destitute miniing towns in south Wales and West Virginia is that job losses store up political tensions.(从威尔士南部和维吉尼亚西部的案例来看,失业会制造政治紧张局势。) Coal India, the national mining colossus, has 270,000 workers.(Coal India 拥有27万个员工,它是一个国家采矿业巨头。) From Shanxi province in China to Jharkhand in India, local governments will need fiscal transfers to help rebalance their economies.(从中国的山西省到印度的Jharkhand, 当地的政府需要相应的财政迁移政策来帮助重建经济平衡。) Banks may need to be recapitalised: China's state lenders may have up to $1trn at stake. (银行也需要重新注入资金:中国国家银行涉及到的资金达一万亿美元。)
loser n. 输家;受害者.
12th paragragh
Europe and America have shown that King Coal can be dethroned, but they cannot be bystanders as Asia works to complete the revolution.(欧洲和美国已经证明了不可一世的煤炭“国王”也有被拉下神坛的一天,但是当亚洲致力于完成这场革命的同时,他们不能袖手旁观。) Coal powered the West's development.(西方能发展到今天靠的是煤炭。) In 2019 coal consumption per person in India was less than half that in America.(2019年印度的人均煤耗量不到美国人的一半。) It is in Asia's long-term interests to topple coal, but the short-term political and economic costs are large enough that action may be too slow.(抵制煤炭确实符合亚洲的长远利益,但从短期利益来看,它对政治的影响以及造成的经济损失太大,所以亚洲不会那么快落实政策。) If politicians in Europe and America are serious about fighting global warming, they must work harder to depress coal elsewhere.(如果欧美的政治家们打算认真应对全球变暖危机,他们需要更加努力致力于减少其他地方的煤炭消耗量。) That includes honouring prior promises to help developing countries deal with climate change. (那样意味着他们应该信守之前的承诺来帮助发展中国家应付气候变化带来的问题。)
13th paragragh
Ultimately, though, the responsibility will lie with Asia itself.(最终地,亚洲还是得靠自己担起职责。) And the good news is that it is overwhelmingly in Asia's interest to do so.(好消息是亚洲有绝对的好处去做这件事。) Its people, infrastructure and agriculture are dangerously exposed to the droughts, flooding, storms and rising sea levels caused by climate change.(他们的人民,基础设施以及农业正危险地暴露在由气候变化带来的干旱,洪涝,风暴以及海平面上升的自然灾害的风险当中。) A growing middle class yearns for their governments to clean up Asia's choking metropolises.(正在成长的中产阶级渴望他们的政府让他们生活的大都市变得干净一些。) And renewable energy offers a path to cheaper power, generated at home, as well as a source of industrial employment and innovation.(还有,可再生能源提供了一种更经济的能源,它们无需进口,在家就能生产,与此同时,它们还是工业岗位和创新的源泉。) Coal's days are numbered. (煤炭剩下的日子屈指可数。)The sooner it is consigned to museums and history books, the better. (越快将煤炭放进博物馆和历史书对人类就越好。)
ultimately adv. 最终;最后;归根结底;终究
overwhelmingly adv.压倒性地
yearn v.渴望;向往
clean up na.收拾干净;【机械工程】改正;〔俚语〕赚厚利
consign v.委托;【商】托运;托卖;用作