看到小伙伴们都拿着UCSD cs的offer或者cmu的offer,我自己这边还都是拒信,心里有种五味陈杂的感觉。。。果然是gpa么。。。
What are the important concepts in C? <https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-important-concepts-in-C>
What are the most important concepts to learn/understand in Objective C and iOS development to prepare for an iOS job interview?<http://qr.ae/TU18Sq>
What are the most important concepts in C and C++ that should be learnt and understood before a programming interview? <http://qr.ae/TU18SQ>
What are the most important JavaScript concepts to know for a job interview?<http://qr.ae/TU18JX>
How OOP Concepts in Java Work
How Abstraction Works. ...
How Encapsulation Works. ...
How Inheritance Works. ...
How Polymorphism Works. ...
Short Encapsulation Example in Java. ...
Example of Inheritance in Java. ...
Short Example of Polymorphism in Java.
You will want to understand, or at least have a passing familiarity with:
Closures (seconding Kevin Dangoor)
Prototype Inheritance (ibid.)
The Module Pattern.
Asynchronous Programming.
For client-side development -- the major inconsistencies between various implementations of the Document Object Model (the infamous DOM).
What are the most important topics to learn in Python? <http://qr.ae/TU18J1>
Ten Things Python Programmers Should Know<https://danieltakeshi.github.io/2013/07/05/ten-things-python-programmers-should-know/>