阅读课程(泛读)的目的与任务可以有哪些? - 英语教学法原著选读0133
To enable students to enjoy (or at least feel comfortable with) reading in the foreign language, and to read without help unfamiliar authentic texts, at appropriate speed, silently and with adequate understanding.
1、to enable students: The teacher can only try to promote an ability in the student; she cannot pass on the ability itself. This applies particularly to comprehension, which is a private process. Even the reader himself has no real control over it, although he can certainly improve it by well-directed effort. In a reading lesson, it is what the student does, not what the teacher does, that counts.
2、to enjoy (or at least feel comfortable with): A great deal of this book is about the hard work of reading, which can rarely be avoided by people who need to read for study or professional purposes. But the best teaching does not neglect the delight and interest that can be derived from reading. That is one reason why a good deal of space is devoted later in the book to the importance of an enjoyable extensive reading programme, and why we also emphasize the need to choose interesting material for classroom use.
3、to read without help: We can seldom expect help with the reading tasks we undertake in real life outside the classroom; the teacher does not stay at our side. Therefore students have to develop the ability to read on their own. Your responsibility as a teacher is to make your support unnecessary.
4、unfamiliar texts: Being able to read the texts studied in class is not enough; part of the work of extracting the message was done by the teacher or fellow students. You have to equip students to tackle texts they have never seen before. This implies that it is more useful to read two texts once than one text twice (though frequent rereading may be needed in the process of studying a text). It also implies that if you want to test reading ability (as opposed to memory), you should use a text that is not familiar to the students.
5、authentic texts: The reading skill is of no practical use unless it enables us to read texts we actually require for some real-life purpose. At least some of the practice should be with target texts, ie the sort of texts the students will want to read after they have completed their course. If the needs of a single class are very varied, the practice material ought to be varied too. However, the stage at which target texts are introduced has to be decided according to the students’ command of the language. Where this is seriously below the level demanded by the target texts, problems are predictable.
6、appropriate speed: A flexible reading style is the sign of a competent reader. Instead of plodding through everything at the same careful speed, or always trying to read as fast as possible, students must learn to use different rates for different materials and different purposes, and must have practice in assessing what type of reading is appropriate in various circumstances. Unless you encourage them to skim and scan and treat some texts with a degree of irreverence, they may never learn to take these risks, which are a necessary step towards becoming a more effective reader.
7、silently: We have already noted that people seldom need to read aloud except in the classroom. Reading aloud is useful in the early stages, but it commonly persists far longer than is desirable. This usually means that too little time is given to silent reading; yet all readers need this skill, and most would benefit from help in developing it. (For teachers and others who do need to be able to read aloud well, specific training is necessary; but it should not be equated with the teaching of reading nor the teaching of pronunciation: it is a distinct skill and not an easy one.)
8、with adequate understanding: It may cause surprise that I do not say 'with total understanding'. As in the case of reading speed, however, flexibility is required. We need to understand enough to suit our purpose, and this means that we frequently do not need to read or understand every word. Sometimes complete understanding is necessary, but it is wasteful to read with the same amount of care for every purpose. This implies that various kinds of reading task must be given, not all of which require the precision of careful study reading.
But I must not give the wrong impression: understanding is central to reading and is the focus of this book. If we settle for less than complete understanding in certain reading tasks, the reasons must be clear (to us and to our students). It must result from a conscious decision, not from incapacity to understand.