Inline Styles
尽管CSS是不同于HTML的语言,但使用inline styles也可以在HTML code写入CSS code。
为给HTML element添加样式,你可以直接在opening tag内添加style属性,然后你可以设置它等于你想要应用的CSS style(s) 。
Inline styles are a quick way of directly styling an HTML element.
The <style> Tag
Inline styles 是一个快速为HTML加样式的方法,但也有其局限性。如果你需要为multiple <h1> elements加样式,你必须手动地(manually)为 each element add inline styling 。
幸运的是,通过使用 <style> element,HTML允许你在其内部写入CSS code, CSS can be written between opening and closing <style> tags。但是使用时, <style> element 必须放置在 <head> element 内部。
The .css file
开发者为避免mixing code,故将HTML and CSS code 存放在不同的文件内。
Linking the CSS File
你可以使用<link> element来链接HTML and CSS files。它必须被放在the head of the HTML file 内。它是自闭和标签,且有以下三个属性:
href — like the anchor element, the value of this attribute must be the address, or path, to the CSS file.
type — this attribute describes the type of document that you are linking to (in this case, a CSS file). The value of this attribute should be set to text/css.
rel — this attribute describes the relationship between the HTML file and the CSS file. Because you are linking to a stylesheet, the value should be set to stylesheet.
当链接好了之后,<link> element 应如下图:
Tag Name
CSS can select HTML elements by using an element’s tag name. A tag name is the word (or character) between HTML angle brackets.
For example, in HTML, the tag for a paragraph element is <p>. The CSS syntax for selecting <p> elements is:
In the example above, all paragraph elements will be selected using a CSS selector.
Class Name
To select this element using CSS, we could use the following CSS selector:
To select an HTML element by its class using CSS, a period (.) must be prepended to the class’s name.
Multiple Classes
ID Name
如果an HTML element需要被单独赋予样式,可以为其添加ID属性。
Specificity 明确性
Specificity 是指浏览器要应用哪一个CSS样式。ID优先级最高,其次clss,最后是tag。
上图中h1颜色应为firebrick,因为 the class selector is more specific than the tag selector。
为使样式易于编辑,最好的方式是:优先使用a tag selector,若不行,添加a class selector,若还不够明确,再添加an ID selector。
Chaining Selectors
If there was a .special class for h1 elements, the CSS would look like:
The code above would select only the h1 elements that have a class of special.
Nested Elements
CSS 也可以选择那些嵌套在 other HTML elements 内的elements。
在CSS选择器前加一个 tag, class, or ID 会增加其specificity。
!important 可被应用于属性中,带有 !important 的属性将覆盖(override)所有其他样式,无论其优先级多高。故其很少被使用,因为它很难被覆盖。
因为 !important 被用于p选择器的颜色属性中,故所有的p elements 都将边blue,即使下方还有一个相对于p选择器更明确的.main p selector。
Multiple Selectors
为使CSS更加concise(简洁),可以使multiple selectors,它防止了重复的代码出现。
为不使font-family: Georgia在两个选择器中重复两次,我们可以通过逗号(comma)将两个选择器隔开,再应用其共同的样式:
By separating the CSS selectors with a comma, both the h1 and the .menu elements will receive the font-family: Georgia styling.