Wolves generally avoid human settlements.For this reason, domestic sheep, though essentially easy prey for wolves, arenot usually attacked by them. In Hylantia prior to 1910, farmers neverthelesslost considerable numbers of sheep to wolves each year. Attributing this to thelarge number for wolves, in 1910 the government began offering rewards tohunters for killing wolves. From 1910 to 1915, large numbers of wolves werekilled. Yet wolf attacks on sheep increased significantly.
Which of the following, if true, most helpsto explain the increase in wolf attacks on sheep?
A. Populations of deer and other wildanimals that wolves typically prey on increased significantly in numbers from1910 to 1915.
B. Prior to 1910, there were no legalrestrictions in Hylantia on the hunting of wolves.
C. After 1910 hunters shot and wounded asubstantial number of wolves, thereby greatly diminishing these wolves’ abilityto prey on wild animals.
D. Domestic sheep are significantly lessable than most wild animals to defend themselves against wolf attacks.
E. The systematic hunting of wolvesencouraged by the program drove many wolves in Hylantia to migrate to remotemountain areas uninhabited by humans.
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1 判断是否属于解释题
Which of the following, if true, most helps to explain the increase in wolf attacks on sheep?中出现了helps to explain所以毫无疑问是解释题。
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Wolves generally avoid human settlements.For this reason, domestic sheep, though essentially easy prey for wolves, arenot usually attacked by them. In Hylantia prior to 1910, farmers nevertheless lost considerable numbers of sheep to wolves each year. Attributing this to thelarge number for wolves, in 1910 the government began offering rewards to hunters for killing wolves. From 1910 to 1915, large numbers of wolves werekilled. Yet wolf attacks on sheep increased significantly.
大量狼被杀A , 预期被狼攻击的羊的量会减少B
大量狼被杀A , 被狼攻击的羊的量增加-B
这属于A-B 但是A-(-B)类型,所以一定是A带来了一个结果C从而导致–B出现。言外之意是大量狼被杀A带了结果C,C造成被狼攻击的羊的量增加-B。
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E 选项说大量捕杀狼之后会把它们驱赶到远离人居住的地方,因为羊是家羊,所以朗距离羊会更远,所以这个也是加剧了这个矛盾,E选项无法排除。