Get answers to frequently asked questions about Adobe Lightroom Classic CC.
What you learned: Answers to frequently asked questions
How do I rename a file or folder?
- Select a photo in the Library module, open the Metadata panel, and edit the File Name field.
- To rename several photos at once, select them and click the button to the right of the File Name field in the Metadata panel. In the Rename dialog box, choose a renaming preset or create your own.
- To rename a folder, Right-click (Windows) or Control+click (macOS) the folder name in the Folders panel and choose Rename.
What does it mean when a question mark shows up on one of my folders?
- The drive that contains the folder is not connected, the folder is not where Lightroom Classic expects it to be, or the folder name has been changed outside of Lightroom Classic.
- In the Folders panel in the Library module, Right-click (Windows) or Control+click (macOS) the folder and choose Find Missing Folder.
Why don’t new files automatically show up in Lightroom Classic?
- Lightroom Classic isn’t aware of files added to a folder or changes made on your drive outside of Lightroom Classic.
- To update a folder in Lightroom Classic to display all the files that are currently in that folder on your drive, right-click the folder name in the Folders panel and choose Synchronize Folder.
How do I create folders and move images between folders in Lightroom Classic?
- To create a folder, Right-click (Windows) or Control+click (macOS) an existing folder in the Folders panel and choose Create Folder Inside. This creates a folder on your drive too.
- Drag photos from the Library module grid to the new folder within Lightroom Classic. The files are automatically moved on your drive too.
How do I delete files and folders in Lightroom?
- Deleting photos from a collection in Lightroom Classic only removes them from the collection, not from your drive or from Lightroom Classic.
- To remove a photo from Lightroom Classic, go to the folder in the Folders panel that contains the photo. Select the photo in the Library module grid and press the Delete key. Choose Remove to remove the photo from Lightroom Classic but keep it on your drive. Choose Delete from Disk only if you’re sure you want to delete the photo from your drive too.
- To remove a folder from Lightroom Classic, Right-click (Windows) or Control+click (macOS) the folder in the Folders panel and choose Remove. The folder is removed from Lightroom Classic, but remains on your drive. To delete the folder from your drive, go to the drive and delete the folder manually.
关于LR CC的常见问题
了解那些关于LR CC经常被问及的问题
你将了解:关于LR CC常见问题的解答
- 在图库面板中选中一张照片,打开元数据面板并编辑文件名;
- 要重命名多张照片,选中他们并在元数据面板中文件名右侧的按钮。在重命名对画框中,可自定义命名或选择预置内容;
- 要重命名文件夹,在文件夹面板中右击并选择重命名;
- 存放这个文件夹的驱动盘无法连接,或文件夹的路径发生了变化,也可能是该文件夹在LR CC外部被重命名了;
- 在图库模块的文件夹面板中,右击并找到丢失的文件夹;
新的文件为什么不自动显示在LR CC中?
- 首先,LR CC并不知道你在外部驱动盘环境中对文件夹所做的新增或变更操作;
- 要在LR CC 中显示当前状态下硬盘中的所有文件,在文件夹面板中右击并选择“同步文件夹”;
在LR CC 中如何创建照片并将照片在文件夹之间移动?
- 在文件夹面板中,右击一个现有的文件夹并选择:创建子文件夹,该文件夹也同样会在外部盘中被创建;
- 在LR CC中可直接在图库面板中通过拖拽将照片移动至新文件夹,这个转移动作也会自动发生在外部盘中;
在LR CC 中如何删除文件或文件夹?
- 在集合中删除照片仅仅只是在对应集合中移除,该照片依旧存在于LR CC和外部盘中;
- 要从LR CC中删除照片,你需要找到这张照片所在的文件夹,在图库模式下选中并按键盘上的“删除”键,选择“移除”即可从LR CC中移除但其依旧存在于外部盘中;如果你决定(要彻底删除的话),则选择“从硬盘中移除”,照片将被彻底删除;
- 在文件夹面板中,右击并选择“移除”即可将文件夹从LR CC中移除,但它依然存在于外部盘中。要彻底删除,则需要在外部盘中手动删除该文件夹。