




k线指标其实就是技术指标, 认为的根据某些算法来预测价格未来的走势,或者帮助分析价格背后的市场因素。




SAR指标又叫抛物线指标或停损转向操作点指标,其全称叫“Stop and Reverse,缩写SAR”,是由美国技术分析大师威尔斯-威尔德(Wells Wilder)所创造的,是一种简单易学、比较准确的中短期技术分析工具。


    public List<Entry> getSar(List<CandleEntry> entries) {
        if (sarList == null) {
            sarList = new ArrayList<>();
        if (!sarList.isEmpty()) {
        int len = entries.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            Entry entry = new Entry(calculateSar(i, entries), i);
        return sarList;

     * @param entries source data
     * @param index 下标
     * @param windowSize 窗口size
     * @return
    private float getHighestValue(List<CandleEntry> entries, int index, int windowSize){
        if (entries.get(index).getHigh() == Float.NaN && windowSize != 1) {
            return  getHighestValue(entries, index - 1, windowSize - 1);
        int end = Math.max(0, index - windowSize + 1);
        float highest = entries.get(index).getHigh();
        for (int i = index - 1; i >= end; i--) {
            if (highest < entries.get(i).getHigh()) {
                highest = entries.get(i).getHigh();
        return highest;

     * @param entries
     * @param index
     * @param windowSize
     * @return
    private float getLowestValue(List<CandleEntry> entries, int index, int windowSize){
        if (entries.get(index).getHigh() == Float.NaN && windowSize != 1) {
            return getLowestValue(entries, index - 1, windowSize - 1);
        int end = Math.max(0, index - windowSize + 1);
        float lowest =  entries.get(index).getLow();
        for (int i = index - 1; i >= end; i--) {
            if (lowest > entries.get(i).getLow()) {
                lowest = entries.get(i).getLow();
        return lowest;

    protected float calculateSar(int index, List<CandleEntry> entries) {
        float sar = 0f;
        Entry entry = null;
        if (index == 0) {
            return entries.get(0).getClose(); // no trend detection possible for the first value
        } else if (index == 1) {// start trend detection
            currentTrend = entries.get(0).getClose() < entries.get(1).getClose();
            if (!currentTrend) { // down trend
                sar = entries.get(index).getHigh(); // put sar on max price of candlestick
            } else { // up trend
                sar = entries.get(index).getLow(); // put sar on min price of candlestick
            currentExtremePoint = sar;
            minMaxExtremePoint = currentExtremePoint;
            return sar;

        float priorSar = sarList.get(index - 1).getVal();
        if (currentTrend) { // if up trend
            sar = priorSar + (accelerationFactor * (currentExtremePoint - priorSar));
            currentTrend = entries.get(index).getLow() > sar;
            if (!currentTrend) { // check if sar touches the min price
                sar = minMaxExtremePoint; // sar starts at the highest extreme point of previous up trend
                currentTrend = false; // switch to down trend and reset values
                startTrendIndex = index;
                accelerationFactor = accelerationStart;
                currentExtremePoint = entries.get(index).getLow(); // put point on max
                minMaxExtremePoint = currentExtremePoint;
            } else { // up trend is going on
                // currentExtremePoint = new HighestValueIndicator(highPriceIndicator, index - startTrendIndex)
                //                        .getValue(index);
                currentExtremePoint = getHighestValue(entries, index, index - startTrendIndex);
                if (currentExtremePoint > minMaxExtremePoint) {
                    minMaxExtremePoint = currentExtremePoint;

        } else { // downtrend
            sar = priorSar - (accelerationFactor * (priorSar - currentExtremePoint));
            currentTrend = entries.get(index).getHigh() > sar;
            if (currentTrend) { // check if switch to up trend
                sar = minMaxExtremePoint; // sar starts at the lowest extreme point of previous down trend
                accelerationFactor = accelerationStart;
                startTrendIndex = index;
                currentExtremePoint = entries.get(index).getHigh();;
                minMaxExtremePoint = currentExtremePoint;
            } else { // down trend io going on
                //currentExtremePoint = new LowestValueIndicator(lowPriceIndicator, index - startTrendIndex)
                //                        .getValue(index);
                currentExtremePoint = getLowestValue(entries, index, index - startTrendIndex);
                if (currentExtremePoint < minMaxExtremePoint) {
                    minMaxExtremePoint = currentExtremePoint;
        return sar;

     * Increments the acceleration factor.
    private void incrementAcceleration() {
        if (accelerationFactor > maxAcceleration) {
            accelerationFactor = maxAcceleration;
        } else {
            accelerationFactor = accelerationFactor + accelerationIncrement;


OBV 的英文全称是:On Balance Volume,是由美国的投资分析家Joe Granville所创。该指标通过统计成交量变动的趋势来推测股价趋势。OBV以“N”字型为波动单位,并且由许许多多“N”型波构成了OBV的曲线图,对一浪高于一浪的“N”型波,称其为“上升潮”(UP TIDE),至于上升潮中的下跌回落则称为“跌潮”(DOWN FIELD)。


  • 代码实现
    private float calculateObv(int index, List<KlinePointBean> entries) {
        if (index == 0) {
            return 0f;
        final float prevClose = entries.get(index - 1).getClose();
        final float currentClose = entries.get(index).getClose();

        final float obvPrev = obvList.get(index - 1).getVal();
        if (prevClose > currentClose) {
            return obvPrev - (entries.get(index).getAmount());
        } else if (prevClose < currentClose) {
            return obvPrev + (entries.get(index).getAmount());
        } else {
            return 0;




  • 代码实现
    public Triple<List<Entry>, List<Entry>, List<Entry>> getRsiIndicator(List<CandleEntry> candleEntries) {
        if (candleEntries == null || candleEntries.size() == 0) {
            return new Triple<>(new ArrayList<>(), new ArrayList<>(), new ArrayList<>());
        List<Entry> rsiList = new ArrayList<>();
        List<Entry> rsiList12 = new ArrayList<>();
        List<Entry> rsiList24 = new ArrayList<>();
        float lastSmValue6 = 0, lastSmValue12 = 0, lastSmValue24 = 0;
        float lastSaValue6 = 0, lastSaValue12 = 0, lastSaValue24 = 0;
        CandleEntry lastEntry = candleEntries.get(0);
        int len = candleEntries.size();
        for (int i = 1; i < len; i++) {
            CandleEntry entry = candleEntries.get(i);
            float m = Math.max(entry.getClose() - lastEntry.getClose(), 0);
            float a = Math.abs(entry.getClose() - lastEntry.getClose());

            if (i >= 5) {
                lastSmValue6 = (m + 5 * lastSmValue6) / 6;
                lastSaValue6 = (a + 5 * lastSaValue6) / 6;
                rsiList.add(new Entry(lastSmValue6 / lastSaValue6 * 100, entry.getXIndex()));

            if (i >= 11) {
                lastSmValue12 = (m + 11 * lastSmValue12) / 12;
                lastSaValue12 = (a + 11 * lastSaValue12) / 12;
                rsiList12.add(new Entry(lastSmValue12 / lastSaValue12 * 100, entry.getXIndex()));

            if (i >= 23) {
                lastSmValue24 = (m + 23 * lastSmValue24) / 24;
                lastSaValue24 = (a + 23 * lastSaValue24) / 24;
                rsiList24.add(new Entry(lastSmValue24 / lastSaValue24 * 100, entry.getXIndex()));
            lastEntry = candleEntries.get(i);

        return new Triple<>(rsiList, rsiList12, rsiList24);


三重指数平滑平均线(TRIX)属于中长线指标。它过滤掉许多不必要的波动来反映股价的长期波动趋势。在使用均线系统的交叉时,有时会出现骗线的情况,有时还会出现频繁交叉的情况,通常还有一个时间上的确认。为了解决这些问题,因而发明了TRIX这个指标把均线的数值再一次地算出平均数,并在此基础上算出第三重的平均数。这样就可以比较有效地避免频繁出现交叉信号。 TRIX指标又叫三重指数平滑移动平均指标,其英文全名为“Triple Exponentially Smoothed Average”,是一种研究股价趋势的长期技术分析工具。


     * EMA算法
     * EMA(N) = 2/(N+1)*C + (N-1)/(N+1)*EMA', EMA'为前一天的ema; 通常N取12和26
     * @param entries
     * @param n
     * @return
    public static List<Entry> getEMA(List<CandleEntry> entries, int n) {
        List<Entry> result = new ArrayList<>();
        float lastEma = entries.get(0).getClose();// 第一个EMA为第一个数据的价格

        float[] emaFactor = getEMAFactor(n);
        for (int i = n - 1; i < entries.size(); i++) {
            float ema = emaFactor[0] * entries.get(i).getClose() + emaFactor[1] * lastEma;
            result.add(new Entry(ema, entries.get(i).getXIndex()));
            lastEma = ema;
        return result;

     * EMA算法
     * EMA(N) = 2/(N+1)*C + (N-1)/(N+1)*EMA', EMA'为前一天的ema; 通常N取12和26
     * @param entries
     * @param n
     * @return
    public static List<Entry> getEMAFromEntry(List<Entry> entries, int n) {
        List<Entry> result = new ArrayList<>();
        float lastEma = entries.get(0).getVal();// 第一个EMA为第一个数据的价格

        float[] emaFactor = getEMAFactor(n);
        for (int i = n - 1; i < entries.size(); i++) {
            float ema = emaFactor[0] * entries.get(i).getVal() + emaFactor[1] * lastEma;
            result.add(new Entry(ema, entries.get(i).getXIndex()));
            lastEma = ema;
        return result;
    private List<Entry> trixList;
    private List<Entry> trixMaList;
    public Pair<List<Entry>, List<Entry>> getTrix(List<CandleEntry> entries) {
        int n = 12, m = 9;
        if (entries == null) {
            return new Pair<>(new ArrayList<>(), new ArrayList<>());
        if (trixList == null) {
            trixList = new ArrayList<>();
            trixMaList = new ArrayList<>();


        List<Entry> ema1 = getEMA(entries, n);
        List<Entry> ema2 = getEMAFromEntry(ema1, n);
        List<Entry> ema3 = getEMAFromEntry(ema2, n);
        int len = ema3.size();

        for (int i = 1; i < len; i++) {
            float trixValue = (ema3.get(i).getVal() - ema3.get(i - 1).getVal()) * 100 / ema3.get(i - 1).getVal();
            trixList.add(new Entry(trixValue, ema3.get(i).getXIndex()));

        float ma = 0.0f;
        int index = m - 1;
        len = trixList.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            if (i >= index) {
                float sum = getSumFromEntry(i - index, i, trixList);
                ma = sum / m;
                trixMaList.add(new Entry(ma, trixList.get(i).getXIndex()));

        return new Pair<>(trixList, trixMaList);



顺势指标又叫CCI指标,CCI指标是美国股市技术分析 家唐纳德·蓝伯特(Donald Lambert)于20世纪80年代提出的,专门测量股价、外汇或者贵金属交易是否已超出常态分布范围。属于超买超卖类指标中较特殊的一种。波动于正无穷大和负无穷大之间。但是,又不需要以0为中轴线,这一点也和波动于正无穷大和负无穷大的指标不同。


    private List<Entry> cciList;
    private List<Float> tpList;
    private List<Float> cciMaList;
    private List<Float> mdList;
    public List<Entry> getCciData(List<CandleEntry> entries){
        int n = 20;
        if (entries == null || entries.size() < n) {
            return new ArrayList<>();
        if (cciList == null) {
            cciList = new ArrayList<>();
            tpList = new ArrayList<>();
            mdList = new ArrayList<>();
            cciMaList = new ArrayList<>();


        int len = entries.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            float tpValue = getTp(i, entries);
            float maValue = getSum(Math.max(0, i - n + 1), i, tpList) / Math.min(n, i + 1);

            final int startIndex = Math.max(0, i - n + 1);
            final int nbValues = i - startIndex + 1;
            float absoluteDeviations = 0;
            for (int j = startIndex; j <= i; j++) {
                // For each period...
                absoluteDeviations = absoluteDeviations + (Math.abs(tpList.get(j) - maValue));

            float mdValue = absoluteDeviations / nbValues;

            if (mdValue == 0) {
                if (i >= n - 1) {
                    cciList.add(new Entry(0, i));
            } else {
                if (i >= n - 1) {
                    float cci = (tpList.get(i) - cciMaList.get(i)) / mdList.get(i) / 0.015f;
                    cciList.add(new Entry(cci, i));


        return cciList;

    private float getSum(Integer start, Integer end, List<Float> datas) {
        float sum = 0;
        for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) {
            sum += datas.get(i);
        return sum;

    private float getTp(int index, List<CandleEntry> entries){
        float maxPrice = entries.get(index).getHigh();
        float minPrice = entries.get(index).getLow();
        float closePrice = entries.get(index).getClose();
        return (maxPrice + minPrice + closePrice) / 3;




    private List<Entry> rocList;
    private List<Entry> rocMaList;
    public Pair<List<Entry>, List<Entry>> getRoc(List<CandleEntry> entries) {
        int n = 12, m = 6;
        if (entries == null) {
            return new Pair<>(new ArrayList<>(), new ArrayList<>());
        if (rocList == null) {
            rocList = new ArrayList<>();
            rocMaList = new ArrayList<>();

        int len = entries.size();
        for (int i = n; i < len; i++) {
            int nIndex = Math.max(i - n, 0);
            float nPeriodsAgoValue = entries.get(nIndex).getClose();
            float currentValue = entries.get(i).getClose();
            float rocValue = (currentValue - nPeriodsAgoValue) / nPeriodsAgoValue  * 100;
            rocList.add(new Entry(rocValue, i));

        len = rocList.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            if (i >= m - 1) {
                float sum = getSumFromEntry(i - m + 1, i, rocList);
                float maValue = sum / m;
                rocMaList.add(new Entry(maValue, rocList.get(i).getXIndex()));

        return new Pair<>(rocList, rocMaList);


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