


From a technical standpoint, a thread is a combination of the kernel-level and application-level data structures needed to manage the execution of code. The kernel-level structures coordinate the dispatching of events to the thread and the preemptive scheduling of the thread on one of the available cores. The application-level structures include the call stack for storing function calls and the structures the application needs to manage and manipulate the thread’s attributes and state.

官方文档里举了个实际的例子(具体例子就不细说了),介绍了下多线程给应用带来的好处。同时也提醒了多线程可能带来的1.增加了程序的复杂性 2.多个线程共享同样的内存空间,多个线程同时访问同一个数据时可能带来数据安全问题。即使是对相关的数据进行了保护,编译器的优化也会带来的意想不到的错误。

1.1 几个专业术语

thread 单独处理的代码
process 正在执行的任务(内部有多个线程)
task 任务的抽象概念

If you do not fully understand the implications of your design choices, you could easily encounter synchronization or timing issues, the severity of which can range from subtle behavioral changes to the crashing of your application and the corruption of the user’s data.


NSOperation GCD Idle-time notifications

After starting a thread, the thread runs in one of three main states: running, ready, or blocked.

1.3 Runloop

1.4 线程同步工具


  1. One way to alleviate the problem is to eliminate the shared resource altogether and make sure each thread has its own distinct set of resources on which to operate.
  2. When maintaining completely separate resources is not an option though, you may have to synchronize access to the resource using locks, conditions, atomic operations, and other techniques.
  1. locks 2.conditions 3,atomic

locks 当一个线程A尝试访问另外一个线程B正在使用的数据时,线程A会阻塞直到线程B释放对数据的使用。
conditions 相当于一个看门者
A condition acts as a gatekeeper, blocking a given thread until the condition it represents becomes true. When that happens, the condition releases the thread and allows it to continue.
atomic 线程安全,是lock轻量型的一种实现方式,通过硬件指令的方式来保证数据的安全。

1.5 线程内通信

方式 例子
Direct messaging 直接消息调用 - (void)performSelector:(SEL)aSelector onThread:(NSThread *)thr withObject:(nullable id)arg waitUntilDone:(BOOL)wait modes:(nullable NSArray<NSString *> *)array
Global variables, shared memory, and objects 全局变量或者共享内存空间/对象
Conditions 看门者
Run loop sources
Ports and sockets
Message queues 不推荐
Cocoa distributed objects 不推荐

1.6 多线程序开发指导建议

1.6.1 Avoid Creating Threads Explicitly

避免直接创建thread可以使用GCD 或者 NSOperation 的方式代替。

Rather than create a thread yourself, consider using asynchronous APIs, GCD, or operation objects to do the work. These technologies do the thread-related work behind the scenes for you and are guaranteed to do it correctly. In addition, technologies such as GCD and operation objects are designed to manage threads much more efficiently than your own code ever could by adjusting the number of active threads based on the current system load.

1.6.2 Keep Your Threads Reasonably Busy


1.6.3 Avoid Shared Data Structures
1.6.4 Threads and Your User Interface

If your application has a graphical user interface, it is recommended that you receive user-related events and initiate interface updates from your application’s main thread.

1.6.5 Be Aware of Thread Behaviors at Quit Time

A process runs until all non-detached threads have exited. By default, only the application’s main thread is created as non-detached, but you can create other threads that way as well.
When the user quits an application, it is usually considered appropriate behavior to terminate all detached threads immediately, because the work done by detached threads is considered optional. If your application is using background threads to save data to disk or do other critical work, however, you may want to create those threads as non-detached to prevent the loss of data when the application exits.
process 将会退出直到内不没有运行的线程,正常来说应用退出后系统会立刻停止应用的所有线程,因为系统认为他们是非必要的。但通常来说我们都希望在程序即将退出的时候进行一些重要数据的存储和必要的一些操作。

(1). 创建一个non-detached的线程
需要使用POSIX API相关函数来将你需要运行的线程join到主线程中。具体的见 Setting the Detached State of a Thread

(2). IOS下可以使用applicationShouldTerminate: delegate

1.6.6 Handle Exceptions(处理异常)

每个线程有自己的call stack队列,因此异常处理需要自身处理。 捕获的异常可以通过消息的方式发给其他线程,抛出异常的线程1.继续运行(可能的话) 2.等待指令 3.直接退出

1.6.7 Terminate Your Threads Cleanly


1.6.8 Thread Safety in Libraries

SDK 开发者在开发SDK时,应考虑多线程引起的数据安全情况。


When an application spawns a new thread, that thread becomes an independent entity inside of the application's process space. Each thread has its own execution stack and is scheduled for runtime separately by the kernel. A thread can communicate with other threads and other processes, perform I/O operations, and do anything else you might need it to do. Because they are inside the same process space, however, all threads in a single application share the same virtual memory space and have the same access rights as the process itself.

  1. 线程创建后便是一个独立的个体,享有自己独立的属执行堆栈和内核的执行安排。
  2. 应用中所有线程共享相同的虚拟的内存空间,并且对这块虚拟空间享有相同的权限。

2.1 Thread Costs

2.2 创建线程

2.2.1 NSThread

  • Use the detachNewThreadSelector:toTarget:withObject: class method to spawn the new thread.

  • Create a new NSThread object and call its start method.

  • 继承NSThread 复写 实例方法 -(void)main;

#import "customThread.h"

@implementation customThread
    NSLog(@"current thread = %@",[NSThread currentThread]);


2.2.2 POSIX Threads

C函数,pthread 类,暂时没有配好混编环境,没办法跑官方demo;

2.2.3 使用NSObject方法创建线程


- (void)createThreadUseObjectAPI{
    [self performSelectorInBackground:@selector(thread3Func) withObject:nil];


2.3 配置线程属性(Configuring Thread Attributes)

2.3.1 配置stack大小


2.3.2 Configuring Thread-Local Storage

Each thread maintains a dictionary of key-value pairs that can be accessed from anywhere in the thread.

类型 函数
NSThread threadDictionary
POSIX use pthread_setspecific and pthread_getspecific functions to set and get the keys and values of your thread.

2.3.3 Setting the Detached State of a Thread(设置线程的状态)

默认创建的线程为detached thread,这样的线程执行完毕后,线程相关的资源会被系统回收。
相比之下,还有种线程的类型即(joinable thread),线程的资源是不会被系统回收的,直到有新的线程调用pthread_join函数join到该线程(join的过程process会阻塞该线程)。

Joinable threads also provide an explicit way to pass data from an exiting thread to another thread. Just before it exits, a joinable thread can pass a data pointer or other return value to the pthread_exit function.


If you do want to create joinable threads, the only way to do so is using POSIX threads. POSIX creates threads as joinable by default. To mark a thread as detached or joinable, modify the thread attributes using the pthread_attr_setdetachstate function prior to creating the thread. After the thread begins, you can change a joinable thread to a detached thread by calling the pthread_detach function. For more information about these POSIX thread functions, see the pthread man page. For information on how to join with a thread, see the pthread_join man page.

2.3.4 Setting the Thread Priority(设置线程的优先级)

NSThread setThreadPriority:
POSIX threads pthread_setschedparam


2.3.5 Writing Your Thread Entry Routine 线程的入口函数

(1)Creating an Autorelease Pool

- (void)myThreadMainRoutine{
    NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; // Top-level pool
    // Do thread work here.
    [pool release];  // Release the objects in the pool.


(2)Setting Up an Exception Handler(设置相关的异常处理)

If your application catches and handles exceptions, your thread code should be prepared to catch any exceptions that might occur. Although it is best to handle exceptions at the point where they might occur, failure to catch a thrown exception in a thread causes your application to exit.
详细的见: Exception Programming Topics.


(2)Setting Up a Run Loop

OS X and iOS provide built-in support for implementing run loops in every thread. The app frameworks start the run loop of your application’s main thread automatically. If you create any secondary threads, you must configure the run loop and start it manually. OS X and iOS provide built-in support for implementing run loops in every thread. The app frameworks start the run loop of your application’s main thread automatically. If you create any secondary threads, you must configure the run loop and start it manually.

2.4 Terminating a Thread

The recommended way to exit a thread is to let it exit its entry point routine normally.

一种方式就是通过runloop 自定义 input source的方式实现。

- (void)threadMainRoutine{
    BOOL moreWorkToDo = YES;
    BOOL exitNow = NO;
    NSRunLoop* runLoop = [NSRunLoop currentRunLoop];
    // Add the exitNow BOOL to the thread dictionary.
    NSMutableDictionary* threadDict = [[NSThread currentThread] threadDictionary];
    [threadDict setValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:exitNow] forKey:@"ThreadShouldExitNow"];
    // Install an input source.
    [self myInstallCustomInputSource];
    while (moreWorkToDo && !exitNow){
        // Do one chunk of a larger body of work here. 
        // Change the value of the moreWorkToDo Boolean when done.

        // Run the run loop but timeout immediately if the input source isn't waiting to fire.
        [runLoop runUntilDate:[NSDate date]];
        // Check to see if an input source handler changed the exitNow value.
        // 检查exitnow这个值是否被input source处理函数修改。如果是退出线程。
        exitNow = [[threadDict valueForKey:@"ThreadShouldExitNow"] boolValue];

官方给出了大概的实现逻辑,这里应该还需要在while循环开始和结束处添加auto releasePool。


官方文档:Threading Programming Guide

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