一. 感想
说到游记写作,我瞬间就想到了Bill Bryson——一个文笔幽默的游记作家。我前段时间因为看了管鑫老师书中的推荐,在读"Neither Here Nor There"这本书。书中的很多描述都格外有趣,例如:
I quickly realized that everything about the bus was designed for discomfort. The seats were designed by a dwarf seeking revenge on full-sized people; there was no other explanation.
二. 字词
1. evoke
(1) 原文:But more often you'll need to evoke the mood of a whole neighborhood or town to give texture to the story you're telling.
(2) 字典解释:to produce a strong feeling or memory in someone
(3) 造句:The song evoked my memories in Berlin.
2. syrupy
(1) 原文:Nowhere else in nonfiction do writers use such syrupy words and groaning platitudes.
(2) 字典解释:too nice or kind in a way that seems insincere - used in order to show disapproval
(3) 造句:He said a syrupy speech.
3. wondrous
(1) 原文:Also resist straining for the luminous lyrical phrase to describe the wondrous waterfall.
(2) 字典解释:good or impressive in a surprising way
(3) 造句:He told us a wondrous story.
4. bungalow
(1) 原文:The houses are no longer the bright pastels of the Springtime Home owners but the faded bungalows of the people who grow a few grapes and keep a few chickens out here.
(2) 解释:平房
(3) 造句:My granny lived in a bungalow.