The Meaning and Value of Life
When I was a young college student, there was “a gentle breeze” in the newspaper discussing the meaning and value of life. Some articles were written and a lot of comments were published. I read some articles, but I didn't participate myself. The reason is that some articles don't make sense and I can't understand them. More importantly, I think the discussion itself is pointless and worthless, and it is better to actually do a few things.
时光流逝,一转眼,自己已经到了望九之年,活得远远超过了我的预算。有人认为长寿是福,我看也不尽然。人活得太久了,对人生的种种相、众生的种种相,看得透透彻彻,反而鼓舞时少,叹息时多,远不如早一点离开人世这个是非之地,落一个耳根清净。Time passed.In a blink of an eye, I have lived to be near ninety and lived far more than my expectation. Some people think that longevity is a blessing, but I don't think so. He has lived too long to see the various aspects of life and all living beings thoroughly. On the contrary, he has less encouragement and more sighs,so it is much better to leave the world as soon as possible and have a clear ear.
那么,长寿就一点好处都没有吗?也不是的。这对了解人生的意义与价值,会有一些好处的。So there's no benefit to living a long life? Not really. It will do some good to understand the meaning and value of life.
根据我个人的观察,对世界上绝大多数人来说,人生一无意义,二无价值。他们也从来不考虑这样的哲学问题。走运时,手里攥满了钞票,白天两顿美食城,晚上一趟卡拉OK,玩一点小权术,耍一点小聪明,甚至恣睢骄横,飞扬跋扈,昏昏沉沉,浑浑噩噩,等到钻入了骨灰盒,也不明白自己为什么活过一生。According to my personal observation, for the vast majority of people in the world, life is meaningless and worthless. They never thought about such philosophical questions. When he is lucky, he has money in his hand ,and has two meals in the food city during the day, a trip to karaoke at night.He has a little petty politics, play a few tricks,and he is even a little arrogant, lethargy and muddleheaded and don't know why he has lived his life until he gets into the urn.
其中不走运的则穷困潦倒,终日为衣食奔波,愁眉苦脸,长吁短叹。即使日子还能过得去的,不愁衣食,能够温饱,然而也终日忙忙碌碌,被困于名缰,被缚于利索。同样是昏昏沉沉,浑浑噩噩,不知道为什么活过一生。 对这样的芸芸众生,人生的意义与价值从何处谈起呢?The unlucky ones were impoverished, rushing about for food and clothing, sighing sadly . Even those who can get by, who doesn't have want for food and clothing and who has enough to eat and drink, are busy all day long, trapped by fame and fortune.They are the same muddledheaded men, not knowing why they have lived their lives. Where does the meaning and value of life begin for such a multitude of people?
我自己也属于芸芸众生之列,也难免浑浑噩噩,并不比任何人高一丝一毫。如果想勉强找一点区别的话,那也是有的:我,当然还有一些别的人,对人生有一些想法,动过一点脑筋,而且自认这些想法是有点道理的。I, too, am one of the multitude, and not a bit higher than any other. It is true that I, and certainly others, have thought a little about life, and have thought they are right.
我有些什么想法呢?话要说得远一点。当今世界上战火纷飞,人欲横流,“黄钟毁弃,瓦釜雷鸣”,是一个十分不安定的时代。但是,对于人类的前途,我始终是一个乐观主义者。我相信,不管还要经过多少艰难曲折,不管还要经历多少时间,人类总会越变越好的,人类大同之域绝不会仅仅是一个空洞的理想。但是,想要达到这个目的,必须经过无数代人的共同努力。有如接力赛,每一代人都有自己的一段路程要跑。又如一条链子,是由许多环组成的,每一环从本身来看,只不过是微不足道的一点东西;但是没有这一点东西,链子就组不成。在人类社会发展的长河中,我们每一代人都有自己的任务,而且是绝非可有可无的。如果说人生有意义与价值的话,其意义与价值就在这里。What do I have in mind? Go further than that. In today's world, wars are raging and desires are rampant. The meritocratic are abandoned, while the mediocre without merit occupy high positions.It is a time of great instability.But I have always been an optimist about the future of mankind. I believe that no matter how many twists and turns we still have to go through, no matter how much time we still have to go through, the human race will always get better and better. The great unity of mankind will never be just an empty ideal. However, if we want to achieve this goal, we must go through the joint efforts of countless generations. Like a relay race, each generation has its own way to run. Or like a chain, which is made up of rings, each ring by itself is but a trifle; But without this, the chain cannot be put together. In the long course of human social development, each generation has its own task, and it is by no means dispensable. If life has meaning and value, here it is.
但是,这个道理在人类社会中只有少数有识之士才能理解。鲁迅先生所称之“中国的脊梁”,指的就是这种人。对于那些肚子里吃满了肯德基、麦当劳、比萨饼,到头来终不过是浑浑噩噩的人来说,有如夏虫不足以与语冰,这些道理是没法谈的。他们无法理解自己对人类发展所应当承担的责任。However, only a few people of insigh to can understand this truth in human society. This is what Lu Xun called "the backbone of China". For those whose stomachs are filled with KFC, McDonald's and pizza, and who ends up in a muddle, It's like you can't talk about ice with a summer bug— there is no way to talk about this with them. They fail to understand their responsibility for human development.
话说到这里,我想把上面说的意思简短扼要地归纳一下:如果人生真有意义与价值的话,其意义与价值就在于对人类发展的承上启下、承前启后的责任感。Having said those words, I would like to summarize the meaning of the above briefly: if life is meaningful and valuable, its meaning and value lies in the sense of responsibility for human development.