I have to skip the chitchat. 我不能闲谈了
You might not want to do that. 你确定你要那么做
I assure you I do. 我确定
What are you doing in there? 你在那干吗
All right, based on a cursory reading, it doesn't look like you have much of a case. 好吧 根据我的粗略阅读 看起来你没有什么获胜的几率
I'd like to refer that to my attorney. 我要把这个问题交给我的律师回答
Can you just switch restaurants like that? 可以像他那样随便更换餐厅吗
Were those criteria met? 以上条件均符合吗
What's up? 怎么了
But you're welcome to tag along. 但你可以和我们一起
Okay, suit yourself. 好吧 随你的便
We'll probably be trashing Priya a little. 我们可能会说点Priya的坏话
Fair warning-- we can get crazy. 友情提示 我们会变得很疯狂哦
I don't know how to process that. 我不知道该怎么接话了
That doesn't count. 那根本不算
Aren't you even a little curious? 难道你一点都不好奇吗
No, thank you, but for the record, I'm an excellent dancer. 谢谢 不必了 但需要声明一下 我拥有精湛的舞技
I don't see that's surprising. 真不明白这有什么好奇怪的
How come if we're the smart people, we don't do this every night? 我们这么聪明的人 怎么之前没有夜夜笙歌呢
Make yourself comfortable. 别拘束 随意吧
Is he deliberately blowing smoke at me? 它是故意往我脸上吹的吗
May I share something with you that's troubling me? 能让我跟你倾诉下让我深受困扰的事吗
Have you considered that your intelligence might be the very thing causing your dilemma? 难道你还没意识到你的非凡智慧可能就是你导致这一困境的罪魁吗
That's a little outside my comfort zone. 这个我可有点做不来
Are you suggesting I play dirty? 你是建议我使坏吗
What's the big deal? 这有什么大不了的
Please, don't push me. 拜托 别逼我
Honestly, what do you see in him? 说实话 你到底看上他哪点
Don't really know where we go from here. 真不知道接下来咱俩该怎么办