Day 7, Page 61-70
一. 字词
1. be broke & strike it rich
(1) 原文:
① Mom didn't seem to happy with that I said, but it's not MY fault I'm broke.
② I thought I had struck it rich.
(2) 解释:
① 身无分文
② 发横财,大富大贵
(3) 造句:
① I spent all my money on a new mobile phone, so now I'm broke. / I'm gonna be broke in a month.
② I hope to strike it rich by investing in real estate.
2. stiff
(1) 原文:I actually had a job this summer, but the people I worked for stiffed me, so I didn't earn a single penny.
(2) 解释:to cheat someone by not paying them, especially by not leaving a tip in a restaurant
(3) 造句:My boss stiffed me, so I didn't earn a single penny last year.
3. track down
(1) 原文:So Rowley's party had to be put on hold while the staff tried to track down this kid's parents.
(2) 解释:to find someone or something after a long search
(3) 造句:I ended up tracking down the answer.
二. 句子
1. It kind of ticked me off, because I knew Rowley asked his parents for a diary so he could be just like me.
(1) 结构:It kind of ticked me off, because...
(2) 仿写:It kind of ticked me off, because Sam stood me up without calling ahead.
(3) 原文改写:It kind of annoyed me, because I knew Rowley asked his parents for a diary so he could be just like me.
三. 日记
I find my work efficiency is low I'm inefficient after dinner, so that I have to go to bed more and more late later than I used to. I guess I need to plug out (avoid) distractions like Wechat and other forms of social media, when I concentrate on my work. Plus, I should remember that it's impossible to get everything done. So I need to learn to give up some things, in order to choose to do the really important things.