contort TEM8 GRE
UK /kənˈtɔːt/ US /kənˈtɔːrt/
verb, to become twisted or make sth twisted out of its natural or normal shape. (使)扭曲, 走样
1. Also, “a high degree of flexibility is needed to contort, pose, demonstrate lines and execute techniques.”(Washington Times)
2. If the Republican hopefuls contorted themselves to accommodate Mr. Trump’s die-hard supporters — and risked alienating Biden-backing suburbanites in the process — the two Democrats did little to defy their own party.(New York Times)
3. Many people first knew Apple as the teenage waif contorted into dark corners in the video for 1997’s Criminal.(The Guardian)
4. Some quibbled over death and arrest tolls, others engaged in contorted assessments of causes and tactics, or amplified the views of far-right agitators.(The Guardian)
5. It starts with a riff: not a distorted guitar but a contorted squeal from a twisted fairground.(The Guardian)
6. “Your view of politicians being responsible for the bad government simply does not contort with the facts. ‘…but it’s the one voters would probably be most inclined to want done.’(Fox News)
7. Legal analysts say the logic is contorted and is likely to be seized upon by defense attorneys in other cases.(Washington Post)
8. “Why are the smartest people in the world focused on contorting and twisting our policies to avoid antagonizing Trump?” the employee asked.(Seattle Times)
9. Faces contorted, limbs severed, removed and replaced, skin lightened, thighs shrunken, eyeballs enlarged.(Los Angeles Times)
10. The president thinks it is “a contorted reading of the statute” to insist on the unmistakably clear distinction Congress drew between Exchanges established by “States” versus the federal government.(Forbes)
11. Because it’s a bit shorter, a lot of people will be able to reach the top for the swipe-down gestures without contorting their hands into awkward claws or risking dropping the phone.(The Verge)
12. When Dinkins saw the video of Bina48 contorting its face in a humanlike way, she was floored that such a technologically advanced robot was depicted as a black woman.(Seattle Times)
face, mouth, body contort | contort wtih, in
contorts, contorted, contorting, contortion
"to twist or wrench out of shape," early 15c. (implied in contorted), from Latin contortus, past participle of contorquere "to whirl, twist together," from assimilated form of com- "with, together," here perhaps an intensive prefix (see com-) + torquere "to twist" (from PIE root *terkw- "to twist").
deform, distort, misshape, screw, squinch, torture, warp
straighten, unbend, uncurl, smooth, untwist, unroll, flatten
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