Since the birth of mankind at the beginning and jade concomitant, hunting, farming production tool is stone (jade). Later, to the late Neolithic, stone (jade) tools gradually evolved into the spirit and thought of the carrier. Then after the evolution of stone and jade for the separation, Yucheng, praying psychic artifact. To the Shang and Zhou dynasties, combined with the device and the throne, and gradually evolved into the king jade, become national etiquette, service etiquette tool, with sacrifice, diplomacy, war, is also a symbol of noble status, for the exclusive. Until the Han Dynasty, the function of jade has been extended and expanded, there has been a large number of display and daily life jade,
The jade mirror by a number of experts, the same opinion for the war, the pattern for Ruyi Ruyi pattern, pattern is a kind of Chinese traditional auspicious patterns, "heart" and "the best metaphor". As everyone knows, before you've invented glass mirror with bronze mirror, which is made of jade is very rare. Its market value is high but rarely present, can be broadly categorized as follows:
其一: 玉制品是在一整块玉石上进行制作,此面玉镜直径达12cm,如此巨大的面积在材料的寻找上就造成了很大的困扰。制作过程中是没有草图的,全凭技师的手艺,稍有不慎就会前功尽弃。此面玉镜纹饰清晰,图案对等,由见此技师工艺之精湛。众所周知,一名好的技师会使该物的收藏价值和市场价值大大提升。
One: jade products are made on a piece of jade, the surface of the mirror diameter of 12cm, such a huge area in the search for the material caused a lot of trouble. The production process is not a sketch of by the technician of the craft, the slightest mistake will come to naught. This face jade mirror decoration is clear, the pattern is equal to, from the view of this technician exquisite craft. As is known to all, a good technician will make the collection value and market value of the material greatly improved.
其二: 玉的制作分五步,一为开二为琢三为掏四为雕五为磨,在科技如此发达的当世也不太容易。 由于古代生产力十分低下,雕琢玉器只能用解玉砂来研磨。玉的硬度高,不可能用刀刻成,它是用"铊具"琢出来的,古代玉器都是通过砣机加上解玉砂对玉进行碾琢。制成成品很费时费精力,使得生产低下。
Second: jade production is divided into five steps, one for the three to pay four to cut five carved mill, the technology is so advanced and not too easy. Due to the ancient productivity is very low, carved jade can only be used to polish jade. Jade high hardness, can not be carved with a knife, it is cut out of the "thallium", ancient jade is through the solution of jade carved jade sand mound grind machine plus. It takes time and energy to make the finished product.
其三: 高古玉多为帝王皇家达官贵人用玉,从用料、制作工艺、文化气息上有着厚重深奥的内涵。除了欣赏古人的琢玉技艺、品味高古玉中神韵飞扬的历史文化内涵以外,把玩一块高古玉,就像品读着年代久远的历史的传奇,手中古玉演绎的人间故事隐约可观,古意融融,人玉灵通,把玩者的心境是不可以用语言表述的。价值不菲的高古玉,琢制技艺十分精湛,无论是浅浮雕、透雕,还是阴线刻画,均拙朴细精。玉制品不是平常人可以赏玩的。
A: the high jade for the emperor Royal jade with high officials and noble lords, meaning heavy esoteric from materials, manufacturing process, culture. In addition to appreciate the ancient jade carving art, taste the charm of ancient high flying historical and cultural connotation, with a high jade, just read the historical legend, ancient jade hand interpretation of human stories was considerable, with the old people, with the jade well-informed, mood is not able to express the. High jade value, made very exquisite art, whether it is shallow relief, Toudiao, or line characterization, are fine lines. Jade is not ordinary people can enjoy.
A rarity, the jade mirror not only ancient patina, rich historical and cultural atmosphere, but also has the charm vivid appearance, in the collection industry will cause huge waves, as the Tibetan faithful love.