print working directory
make directory
mkdir "I Have Fun":Make a directory with a space in the name by putting quotes around it
mkdir -p??? :建个多层级的目录
Eg.1 mkdir temp
Eg.2 mkdir -p temp/stuff
cd:change directory
use the .. to move "up" in the tree and path. cd ../..
To get back to your home if you ever get lost. cd ~
list what's in the directory
??? Ls -lR
remove directory
If you try to do rmdir on Mac OSX and it refuses to remove the directory even though you are positive it's empty, then there is actually a file in there called .DS_Store. In that case, type rm -rf <dir> instead
(replace <dir> with the directory name).
save your current location and go to a new location with pushd "Save where I am, then go here."
push directory
on Unix pushd, if you run it by itself with no arguments, will switch between your current directory and the last one you pushed.
$ pushd i/like/icecream
~/temp/i/like/icecream ~/temp
$ pushd
~/temp ~/temp/i/like/icecream
return to the saved location with popd taking you back there.
Make an empty file
copy a file or directory
Eg. cp iamcool.txt neat.txt <——cope a file(iamcool.txt) to creat a new one(neat.txt)
Eg. cp iamcool.txt something/ <—— cope a file(iamcool.txt) to the directory(something/)
Eg. cp -r something newplace <—— cope a directory to a new one(newplace)
Notice how sometimes I put a / (slash) at the end of a directory? That makes sure the file is really a directory, so if the directory doesn't exist I'll get an error.
The cp command will overwrite files that already exist so be careful copying files around.
move rename a file or directory,rename it!!!
Eg. mv awesome.txt uncool.txt <—— change the name of file awesome.txt to uncool.txt
Eg. mv newplace oldplace < —— change the name of directory newplace to oldplace
page(view) through a file
To get out of less just type q (as in quit)
print the whole file cat the file to the screen.
It's an old command that "con*cat*enates" files together, but mostly it's just an easy way to print a file to the screen. Type man cat to read about it.
remove a file