adv. if you say that something is presumably the case, you mean you think it is very like to be the case, although you are not certain. (with+cl/group) (vagueness)
used to say that you think something is probably true.
presumably是副词,意思是“大概,可能”,动词形式presume。当我们想表达一种可能性时,我们会说I assume/suppose/presume/guess,但也可以试试presumably。在较正式的写作和口语中,灵活使用presumably可以增强表达的丰富性。
1. The restaurant that has been around for many years recently went out of business, presumably because the rent prices went up too much.
2. The fourth quarter of 2018 saw massive lay-offs in many technology companies, which, according to analysts, presumably means they failed to raise the funds they needed.
3. Many analysts wonder whether the Afghan army can sustain such punishing losses in the long run, let alone the higher casualties that would presumably follow if it lost American training and air support.
lay-offs n. 裁员,解雇
sustain such punishing losses in the long run 长期承担如此惩罚性的损失
let alone 更不必说,听任
casualty n. (战争中的)伤亡人员
air support 空中支援
1. 翻译:教授的航班又晚点了,大概是恶劣的天气所致吧。
The professor's flight had been delayed again, presumably because of the extremely bad weather. (自己)
The professor's flight was delayed again, presumably because of the bad weather. 或 Presumably, the bad weather delayed the professor's flight. (参考翻译)
2. 生活场景运用
A pretty girl was about to burst into tears on the metro, presumably she had suffered a few sad things.