day4|Pledge of a Lifetime 一生的誓言

Prince Philip, husband of Queen Elizabeth II, died on April 9th, aged 99.


His huge, red hands were what you noticed first. On his wrist the plain watch with its brown leather strap, and the copper bracelet he wore to ease the rheumatism that so plagued his later years. Moulded by his genes and by life, those hands, big as lion paws, in turn moulded those around him: his wife, their children, her subjects.


Had Philip been the soft-skinned English aristocrat that the king and queen would have preferred for their elder daughter, Elizabeth, it would have been different. But he was an outsider. By the age of 26, when he married his second cousin once removed, he had lost virtually all his early roots. His father was dead; his mother, having suffered a mental breakdown, had withdrawn into a religious order. She wore a grey habit to the end of her life. Three of his four sisters married Nazis; none was welcome at the royal wedding in Westminster Abbey just after the end of the war.


By then, Philip had also lost his birthright, his home, his name, nationality and church. Even his birthday—fixed first in the Julian calendar and then in the Gregorian—was no longer the same. The 20th century would test Britain’s monarchy with divorce, democracy and disdain. But the man who held its future in those hands had an immigrant’s hunger for tradition and hard work.


He came to Britain by accident. He was born in 1921 on the island of Corfu. His father, son of the king of Greece, was of Danish and Russian origin mainly; his maternal grandfather grew up in Austria and Germany, and became British. As a toddler, Philip was carried aboard ship in a cot made from an orange crate when his family was banished from Greece. Until he was ten they lived in exile in St Cloud, a leafy Paris suburb.

他会来到英国实属意外。他于1921年出生于科孚(Corfu)岛。他的父亲,是当时希腊王子的儿子,血统主要源于丹麦和俄罗斯;他的外祖父在澳大利亚和德国长大,后来入英国籍。菲利普还是孩童时,他的家庭被驱逐出希腊,他被装进橘子板条箱带上船。一家人流亡在巴黎郊外绿树成荫的圣克劳德(St Cloud),一直到他长到十岁。

His German family wanted him brought up in Germany, and sent him to the school they had founded at Schloss Salem in Baden-Württemberg. But Hitler’s rise to power put paid to that. Philip followed the Jewish headmaster, Kurt Hahn, to Scotland, where he founded a new school, Gordonstoun, with a forthright philosophy and the motto, “More is in you (than you think)”. As a schoolboy Philip was often naughty, though never nasty. He developed a strong sense of public duty and a taste for speed; he excelled at sports and learned to sail, often being given the job of galley cook as he seemed immune to seasickness.

德国的家人希望他在德国长大,于是送他去家族创办的位于巴登符腾堡州(Baden-Württemberg的萨勒姆王宫中学上学。但希特勒上台后这一切都化为泡影。菲利普跟随犹太校长库尔特哈恩(Kurt Hahn)去了苏格兰。哈恩在那创办了高士德(Gordonstoun)学校,坚持直抒己见教学理念,以“你的能量超乎你想象”作为校训。菲利普上学期间虽然淘气,但从不惹人生厌。他拥有强烈的公共责任感,追求速度;他擅长运动,学会了帆船,他似乎从不晕船所以就时常被安排到船上当厨子。

At 18 he went on to Dartmouth Naval College in the south of England, where he was named best cadet. When the second world war broke out that same year, he sailed to Colombo and joined a lumbering battleship escorting convoys of Australian troopships bound for Egypt. On board Philip passed some of his time filling out Admiralty Form S519, “Journal for Use of Junior Officers”, a ruggedly bound volume with marbled endpapers. The entries reveal a passion for technicalities and a waywardness with spelling. Hitler’s Axis allies are consistently “Italiens”; buoys pop up as “bouys”; he writes “misstakes”, and “exept”. On the title page he signed his name, Philip, Prince of Greece; the men called him Pog. In the evenings he was “Captain’s Doggie” and one of his duties was to make the cocoa.

十八岁时,他去了位于英格兰南部的达特茅斯海军学院(Dartmouth Naval College)学习,被评为最佳学员。同年,第二次世界大战爆发,他航行去了科伦坡(Colombo)登上了一艘护送澳大利亚舰队前往埃及的战列舰,缓慢前行。在船上,菲利普靠填海军部第S519期《初级军官使用手册》打发了一段时间这卷日志装订结实,衬页有大理石纹路。该书展示了他对机械设备的热爱以及随心所欲的拼写。希特勒的轴心国盟友拼成“意大利人”;浮标被写作“bouys”,他还会写“misstakes”和“exept”。他在书的扉页上写下的自己的名字是“希腊王子菲利普”;船上的人们叫他“波格pog”(希腊王子的缩写)。到了晚上,他就化身船长的狗仔,他的职责之一是泡可可。

Only after Italy’s invasion of Greece in June 1940 did Philip begin to see any action. And when it came, it was dramatic. His ship, HMS Valiant, was at the centre of the battle that destroyed the Italian navy. Philip was mentioned in dispatches, and emerged from the war one of the youngest first lieutenants. In Buckingham Palace the teenage Princess Elizabeth kept a photograph on her dressing-table / of the bearded young officer serving in her father’s navy. He bore a striking resemblance to her grandfather, King George V.


Later, his staff often described him as “bracing”. When asked by a (female) journalist about rumours of a colourful private life in the 1960s, he barked: “Good God, woman! I don’t know what sort of company you keep.” But he was good at getting things done: his Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme / for teenagers now operates in more than 140 countries.


In public his job was to walk two steps behind his wife, trying not always successfully to make small talk. In private, he took the lead and urged her to spread her wings / with the words, “Come on, Lilibet.” His passport listed him as a “Prince of the Royal House”, but he cast himself as a moderniser. Within a few days of moving into Buckingham Palace he began an “Organisation and Methods Review”. He visited every one of its 600-or-so rooms and asked each member of staff what they did there and why.


Later he extended his brief. His first-floor study there offered a panoramic view of his interests. On a long wall of bookcases was stowed his collection of model ships in glass cases. Between them stood the books that had caught his attentionon wildlife, anthropology, history, naval strategy, sailing. In a corner were the biographies that had been written about him. And on a table by a window stood an array of family photographs in black and white. Lots of relatives, but no children, other than a big, misty colour portrait of the doughty Princess Anne taken shortly before she married for the first time, in the early 1970s. She was his favourite of the four children, the one most like him. His sons exasperated him, none more than the sensitive Charles / whom he sent to Gordonstoun despite knowing he would be bullied.


Keeping calm and carrying on


Marriage brought the young, rootless prince a home, a country, a passport, a new religion and the first real stability in his life. In return, the immigrant boy gave it his total support. Philip was the first of the senior peers to pay homage after the queen’s coronation at Westminster Abbey, where they had married just over five years earlier. “I Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, do become your liege man of life and limb and of earthly worship,” he promised, kneeling before her and placing his large hands between hers. “And faith and truth I will bear unto you, to live and die against all manner of folks. So help me God.” Rising to his feet, he touched his fingers to her crown and kissed her on the cheek.



copper bracelet 铜手镯

rheumatism 风湿

birthright 继承权

Julian calendar 罗马儒略历

Gregorian calendar 公历

disdain 鄙夷

Island of Corfu 科孚岛

Cot 箱子

in exile 流亡

leafy 绿树成荫

nasty 令人生厌

lumbering 缓慢的

dramatic 突如其来的

dispatch 战情急报

lieutenant 上尉

brief 履历


coronation 加冕仪式

liege man 臣民

a taste for 追求

Put paid to 化为泡影

Schloss Salem in Baden-Württemberg  巴登符腾堡州






“Faith and truth I will bear unto you, to live and die against all manner of folks. ”


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