. yoghourt jouget
Nete like the meat with joghourt.
. chewing: tru:ing
. gum: gvm
You can be chewing it over whole day.
. recipe: r3cepi ( a set of instructions that tell you how to cook )
.meal: mil
- breakfast -> brunch
- lunch -> tea
Lunch is the main meal of today.
- dinner(more formal) - supper ( normally at home )
Thanks for the supper you treat me .
- snack (v: eat small foods) -> midnight snack
- picnic
Kitchen ware
- heat
. kettle: k3tle
Pour a kettle of boiling water over the onion.
. oven ( it is a box for heating foods by microwave )
. pot: pat
It is used for soap.
. wok: wak
It is used to fry vegetables.
. spatula: spaetfele ( long handle and flat blade )
It is used to spread the relish and turn over the foods
- not heat
. knife
. cutting board
. knife blade: bleide
. bowel
. frying pan 平底锅
. masher ['mæʃə]
. dish / plate:pleit
Would you like to help me give that dish to me?
- resource
. https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1563976764420921&wfr=spider&for=pc
Cook methods
. fry 煎 炸 ( put oils on the pan and heat the foods )
. steam: sti:m
. bake
- cook sth in an oven(^ven)
after off work, I baked the food to eat.
- Tarts are made by baking
. boil: b)il
I boil a kettle of water and make some tea.
. grill: gril / broil: br)il
- cook meats or fishes under direct heat or over heat on metal bar
grill meats and shrimps
. braise [brez]
- cook sth slowly with a little liquid in a closed container
I heated the cool food by braising.
. saute: seutei/ stew: stu:
- 炒
My mother is sauting vegetables.
- dice: daic ( cut sth into small square pieces )
On the cutting board, dice the onions and tomatoes into small cubes
- slice: slais ( cut sth into slice )
to cut sth easily or as if with a sharp blade
slice the avocado from top to bottom.
- mash: maef ( crush sth into soft mass )
use masher to mash avocado cube.
- grind: graind ( breath or crush sth into very small pieces )
I ground chilis into pepper. And spread the pepper over the mash avocado.
Quantity: [ˈkwɑ:ntəti]
. an amount of sth that you can hold between your forefinger and your thumb
a pinch of salt
. relish: r3lif / seasoning/ spice: spais
. butter
. sauce: s)s
. sugar
. salt
. olivie
. wasabi: we'sa:bi ( japanese spicy sause )
You'd better apply a little wasabi on the sushi.
. cumin: kvmin powder (hu'j
It is used to make the dishes more fragrant.
. vinegar: vinige (醋)
. soy sauce ( 酱油 )
. oil
. scallion: 'skaelien 大葱
. garlic
. ketchup: k3tfep (番茄酱)
. bay leaf 月桂树叶
. cinnamon: [ˈsɪnəmən] 肉桂
. basil [ˈbæzəl,ˈbezəl]
. parsley 盐西 不是这个
. Coriander 盐西
. mint
. lemon grass 柠檬草茶
. jellyfish: 'dg3li,fitf
. lobster: la:bste 龙虾
. crayfish: 'krei,fitf 小龙虾
. scallop: 'skaelep ( with hard shell )
. pork
. lamb
- a young sheep
- meat from a young sheep
. mutton
- meat from a fully grown sheep
. beef
. chicken
Bacon is that I can find the best
Grain: grein ( small hard seed of plants )
. wheat: wit -> flour: flaur (我)
- porridge: p):rid3 ( a thick food that was made of oat )
I'd rather congee than porridge.
- bread
- noodle
- pasta
- dumpling
- oat: out (燕麦)
. rice:
- congee: ['kɒndʒi:] ( a thick food that was made of rice )
. pepper: p3pe: ( is long and curved. It tastes spicy) / chili
I dislike pepper
. broccoli: bra:celi ( like explosive hair but is a green hair )
Although broccolis have lots of vitamin element, foreign child dislike them.
. carrot: kaeret
Rabbit like carrots.
. cucumber: 'cju:,cumbe (long and oval,lime)
Women like put pieces of cucumber on their face.
. onion
. cabbage: 'kaebid3 甘蓝(洋白菜、卷心菜)
- a round vegetable with purplish-red, white or green leaves
. garlic [ˈgɑ:rlɪk]
. eggplant
. green bean
. ginger: d3ind3e 姜
. lotus:loutes root 莲藕
. pumpkin: pvmpkin 南瓜
I ate pumpkin in this lunch.
. peanut: pi:nvt
- peanut sauce
. black fungus
- a thing without leaves growing from other plant or dead tree
. coriander: k)ri'aender 香菜
. okra: eukre 秋葵
. lettuce: l3tes 生菜
. Celery 芹菜
I adore celeey because it's crispy and heathy.
. Asparagus: e'sp3reges 芦笋
It tastes crispy and yummy
. Scallion: skae'lien
It's always sprinkled on the food
. Peas
. Batter 面糊
- spill the beans ( gossip )
. cracker [ˈkrækɚ] / biscuit[ˈbɪskɪt] / cookies
I am not keen on cracker. But thanks for your cracker.
. Snicker 士力架
It can boil down to yourself.
It boils down to your irrational personality.
. breath mint (comfortable and cool for your mouth)
Junk Food: d3vnk
. French fries
French fries is famous in fast food restaurant. It long, straight and rectangle fast food.
. instant food
-> instant coffee
-> instant noodles
Feature Food
Sushi 寿司
. nauseated: n):zieitid
I feel nauseated because of him.
. rotten: 'ra:ttn ( the food almost go bad)
The fruit is starting to go rotten.
. stale: steil (it is not healthy to eat)
Because of '海门鱼仔' stale food, I got a serious diarrhea.
. raw: r)
The beef is raw.
. describe approximately feeling
- yummy / tasty
-(opposite) yucky:jvki (unpleasure to eat )
- delectable: di'l3tebel ( extremely pleasure to eat or smell ) / delicious
- disgusting / repulsive: ri'pvlsive
It's repulsive
- strong
I don't like strong foods but like bland food
. Describe Texture
- gummy: gvmmi
The zongzi is gummy
- slimy
~ cover with slime (粘液)
- gooey: gui
- tender: t3nde ( easy to bite through and cut)
That cabbage is tender. So it is easy to eat.
- crispy
That chips are crisp
- crunchy: crvntfy
~ hard and crispy
That 麻花 are crunchy.
- fluffy: flvfi ( soft, light and containing air)
That bread is fluffy.
- Chewy: tfu:i
Gums are chewy.
- stringy: strini
Belly of beef
- tough
- soft
- juicy / succulent: svkju:lent
The pears are succulent.
- watery
~ lots of water
The porridge is watery.
- fruity
- refreshing
kolas are refreshing.
. Bland: blaend
- environment is without interest
An bland and boring presentation
- don't have a strong flavor
I like bland foods
. Greasy: gri:si / oily
- full of oil
I have no interest in greasy foods.
. yucky
. terrible / awful
. unpalatable: vn'paeletebel
. fishy: fitfi
- 腥 : Crayfishes taste fishy
. earthy
- 土味
. gamey: geimi
- strong smell in the wild lifes
The scallops are gamey.
Describe spicy
. numbing: nvmbing
. pungent: pvnd3ent
- smell strong
The pungent smell stung my nose.
. tangy: taeni
- overwhelming smell
The smell of bathroom is tany
1. 形容味道 https://www.e2say.com/articles/1635/
2. 口感 https://wenku.baidu.com/view/820243f7b90d6c85ec3ac6dc.html :
3. 食物 https://wenku.baidu.com/view/d51f97be87c24028905fc31a.html
. recipe: r3cepi