/// MapContext is available for developers who wish to pass information around during the mapping process.
public protocol MapContext {
/// A class used for holding mapping data
public final class Map {
public let mappingType: MappingType
public internal(set) var JSON: [String: Any] = [:]
public internal(set) var isKeyPresent = false
public internal(set) var currentValue: Any?
public internal(set) var currentKey: String?
var keyIsNested = false
public internal(set) var nestedKeyDelimiter: String = "."
public var context: MapContext?
public var shouldIncludeNilValues = false /// If this is set to true, toJSON output will include null values for any variables that are not set.
let toObject: Bool // indicates whether the mapping is being applied to an existing object
public init(mappingType: MappingType, JSON: [String: Any], toObject: Bool = false, context: MapContext? = nil, shouldIncludeNilValues: Bool = false) {
self.mappingType = mappingType
self.JSON = JSON
self.toObject = toObject
self.context = context
self.shouldIncludeNilValues = shouldIncludeNilValues
//根据key 寻值
/// Sets the current mapper value and key.
/// The Key paramater can be a period separated string (ex. "distance.value") to access sub objects.
public subscript(key: String) -> Map {
// save key and value associated to it
return self[key, delimiter: ".", ignoreNil: false]
public subscript(key: String, delimiter delimiter: String) -> Map {
let nested = key.contains(delimiter)
return self[key, nested: nested, delimiter: delimiter, ignoreNil: false]
public subscript(key: String, nested nested: Bool) -> Map {
return self[key, nested: nested, delimiter: ".", ignoreNil: false]
public subscript(key: String, nested nested: Bool, delimiter delimiter: String) -> Map {
return self[key, nested: nested, delimiter: delimiter, ignoreNil: false]
public subscript(key: String, ignoreNil ignoreNil: Bool) -> Map {
return self[key, delimiter: ".", ignoreNil: ignoreNil]
public subscript(key: String, delimiter delimiter: String, ignoreNil ignoreNil: Bool) -> Map {
let nested = key.contains(delimiter)
return self[key, nested: nested, delimiter: delimiter, ignoreNil: ignoreNil]
public subscript(key: String, nested nested: Bool, ignoreNil ignoreNil: Bool) -> Map {
return self[key, nested: nested, delimiter: ".", ignoreNil: ignoreNil]
public subscript(key: String, nested nested: Bool, delimiter delimiter: String, ignoreNil ignoreNil: Bool) -> Map {
// save key and value associated to it
currentKey = key
keyIsNested = nested
nestedKeyDelimiter = delimiter
if mappingType == .fromJSON {
// check if a value exists for the current key
// do this pre-check for performance reasons
if nested == false {
let object = JSON[key]
let isNSNull = object is NSNull
isKeyPresent = isNSNull ? true : object != nil
currentValue = isNSNull ? nil : object
} else {
// break down the components of the key that are separated by .
(isKeyPresent, currentValue) = valueFor(ArraySlice(key.components(separatedBy: delimiter)), dictionary: JSON)
// update isKeyPresent if ignoreNil is true
if ignoreNil && currentValue == nil {
isKeyPresent = false
return self
public func value<T>() -> T? {
return currentValue as? T
/// Fetch value from JSON dictionary, loop through keyPathComponents until we reach the desired object
private func valueFor(_ keyPathComponents: ArraySlice<String>, dictionary: [String: Any]) -> (Bool, Any?) {
// Implement it as a tail recursive function.
if keyPathComponents.isEmpty {
return (false, nil)
if let keyPath = keyPathComponents.first {
let object = dictionary[keyPath]
if object is NSNull {
return (true, nil)
} else if keyPathComponents.count > 1, let dict = object as? [String: Any] {
let tail = keyPathComponents.dropFirst()
return valueFor(tail, dictionary: dict)
} else if keyPathComponents.count > 1, let array = object as? [Any] {
let tail = keyPathComponents.dropFirst()
return valueFor(tail, array: array)
} else {
return (object != nil, object)
return (false, nil)
/// Fetch value from JSON Array, loop through keyPathComponents them until we reach the desired object
private func valueFor(_ keyPathComponents: ArraySlice<String>, array: [Any]) -> (Bool, Any?) {
// Implement it as a tail recursive function.
if keyPathComponents.isEmpty {
return (false, nil)
//Try to convert keypath to Int as index
if let keyPath = keyPathComponents.first,
let index = Int(keyPath) , index >= 0 && index < array.count {
let object = array[index]
if object is NSNull {
return (true, nil)
} else if keyPathComponents.count > 1, let array = object as? [Any] {
let tail = keyPathComponents.dropFirst()
return valueFor(tail, array: array)
} else if keyPathComponents.count > 1, let dict = object as? [String: Any] {
let tail = keyPathComponents.dropFirst()
return valueFor(tail, dictionary: dict)
} else {
return (true, object)
return (false, nil)
public enum MappingType {
case fromJSON
case toJSON
/// The Mapper class provides methods for converting Model objects to JSON and methods for converting JSON to Model objects
public final class Mapper<N: BaseMappable> {
public var context: MapContext?
public var shouldIncludeNilValues = false /// If this is set to true, toJSON output will include null values for any variables that are not set.
public init(context: MapContext? = nil, shouldIncludeNilValues: Bool = false){
self.context = context
self.shouldIncludeNilValues = shouldIncludeNilValues
// MARK: Mapping functions that map to an existing object toObject
/// Maps a JSON object to an existing Mappable object if it is a JSON dictionary, or returns the passed object as is
public func map(JSONObject: Any?, toObject object: N) -> N {
if let JSON = JSONObject as? [String: Any] {
return map(JSON: JSON, toObject: object)
return object
/// Map a JSON string onto an existing object
public func map(JSONString: String, toObject object: N) -> N {
if let JSON = Mapper.parseJSONStringIntoDictionary(JSONString: JSONString) {
return map(JSON: JSON, toObject: object)
return object
/// Maps a JSON dictionary to an existing object that conforms to Mappable.
/// Usefull for those pesky objects that have crappy designated initializers like NSManagedObject
public func map(JSON: [String: Any], toObject object: N) -> N {
var mutableObject = object
let map = Map(mappingType: .fromJSON, JSON: JSON, toObject: true, context: context, shouldIncludeNilValues: shouldIncludeNilValues)
mutableObject.mapping(map: map)
return mutableObject
//MARK: Mapping functions that create an object
/// Map a JSON string to an object that conforms to Mappable
public func map(JSONString: String) -> N? {
if let JSON = Mapper.parseJSONStringIntoDictionary(JSONString: JSONString) {
return map(JSON: JSON)
return nil
/// Maps a JSON object to a Mappable object if it is a JSON dictionary or NSString, or returns nil.
public func map(JSONObject: Any?) -> N? {
if let JSON = JSONObject as? [String: Any] {
return map(JSON: JSON)
return nil
/// Maps a JSON dictionary to an object that conforms to Mappable
public func map(JSON: [String: Any]) -> N? {
let map = Map(mappingType: .fromJSON, JSON: JSON, context: context, shouldIncludeNilValues: shouldIncludeNilValues)
if let klass = N.self as? StaticMappable.Type { // Check if object is StaticMappable
if var object = klass.objectForMapping(map: map) as? N {
object.mapping(map: map)
return object
} else if let klass = N.self as? Mappable.Type { // Check if object is Mappable
if var object = klass.init(map: map) as? N {
object.mapping(map: map)
return object
} else if let klass = N.self as? ImmutableMappable.Type { // Check if object is ImmutableMappable
do {
return try klass.init(map: map) as? N
} catch let error {
let exception: NSException
if let mapError = error as? MapError {
exception = NSException(name: .init(rawValue: "MapError"), reason: mapError.description, userInfo: nil)
} else {
exception = NSException(name: .init(rawValue: "ImmutableMappableError"), reason: error.localizedDescription, userInfo: nil)
} else {
// Ensure BaseMappable is not implemented directly
assert(false, "BaseMappable should not be implemented directly. Please implement Mappable, StaticMappable or ImmutableMappable")
return nil
/// BaseMappable should not be implemented directly. Mappable or StaticMappable should be used instead
public protocol BaseMappable {
/// This function is where all variable mappings should occur. It is executed by Mapper during the mapping (serialization and deserialization) process.
//使用 mutating 关键字修饰方法是为了能在该方法中修改 struct 或是 enum 的变量,在设计接口的时候,也要考虑到使用者程序的扩展性。
mutating func mapping(map: Map)
public protocol Mappable: BaseMappable {
/// This function can be used to validate JSON prior to mapping. Return nil to cancel mapping at this point
init?(map: Map)
public protocol StaticMappable: BaseMappable {
/// This is function that can be used to:
/// 1) provide an existing cached object to be used for mapping
/// 2) return an object of another class (which conforms to BaseMappable) to be used for mapping. For instance, you may inspect the JSON to infer the type of object that should be used for any given mapping
static func objectForMapping(map: Map) -> BaseMappable?
public extension BaseMappable {
/// Initializes object from a JSON String
public init?(JSONString: String, context: MapContext? = nil) {
if let obj: Self = Mapper(context: context).map(JSONString: JSONString) {
self = obj
} else {
return nil
/// Initializes object from a JSON Dictionary
public init?(JSON: [String: Any], context: MapContext? = nil) {
if let obj: Self = Mapper(context: context).map(JSON: JSON) {
self = obj
} else {
return nil
/// Returns the JSON Dictionary for the object
public func toJSON() -> [String: Any] {
return Mapper().toJSON(self)
/// Returns the JSON String for the object
public func toJSONString(prettyPrint: Bool = false) -> String? {
return Mapper().toJSONString(self, prettyPrint: prettyPrint)
//转化为对象数组与json 四个核心方法(字符串json转对象数组,json转对象数组,及对象数组的反转)
public extension Array where Element: BaseMappable {
//转化为对象集合与json(集合由数组转化而来) 四个核心方法(字符串json转对象集合,json转对象集合,及对象集合的反转)
public extension Set where Element: BaseMappable {