北卡教堂山,排名在30左右, 估计EA的时候大家会考虑下。 注意了,这所学校没有工院,没有工院,没有工院!可怜巴巴。强势在商科和医学方面,据说数学系也很穷,看来理工科和这所学校无缘了。当然生物专业,还是要考虑它的。
在2017年,学校一共有中国人710人,见下图。 据说,北卡每年在中国招收本科生也就几十人。
北卡的气候好,学费低,的确也是个不错的选择,就是略村一点。中国学生基本集中在Mathematical Decision Science(统计和运筹学),Business, CS和 Econ, 部分学习数学生物化学环科等。各主要专业的人数分布如下:
根据录取的中国学生反映,基本没有低于托福105,SAT 1500的。 当然这也跟中国学生申请的专业有关系。学校提供的GPA, SAT, ACT的分值分布图,自己对号吧。
In addition to the essay you provided with your Common Application, please choose two of the prompts below and respond to each in 200-250 words. Your essay responses below should be different from your common app essay response.
- Tell us about a peer who has made a difference in your life.
- What do you hope will change about the place where you live?
- What is one thing that we don’t know about you that you want for us to know?
- What about your background, or what perspective, belief, or experience, will help you contribute to the education of your classmates at UNC?