Normal Mode进入Insertion Mode
a //=append
i //=insert
esc //go back to Normal Mode
d //delete selected
dd //delete the whole line
//or CUT actually, you can "p" paste it
n dd //delete n lines (down)
dj //j directs downwards , so delete current line and the one later
D //delete from cursor to END of line
d^ //delete till bengining of line
dG //delete to END OF FILE
d1G //to beginning of file
dw //delete a word删除一个单词
dnw //delete n words
x //delete a letter
nx //delete n letters
. //repeate last operation重复上一次操作
gg //to begining of file
G //to end line of line
set nu //显示行号
n G //goto nth line跳转到第n行
ctrl o //回到上一次的游标地址
## copy&paste ##
y //copy what's been selected
yy //copy the whole line
yw //copy a word
ynw //copy n words
y^/y0 //copy to begining of line
y$ //copy to end
p //粘贴到光标这一行之后
P //粘贴到光标这一行之前
## replace ##
r<..> //replace cursor with input
R <..> //esc to stop
cc //delete whole line & replace
cw //replace a word
~ //反转大小写capslock
u //undo once
un //undo n times
U //undo all operations on current line
ctrl+r //redo what you undo
## 缩进&排版 ##
<< //shift what've been selected left
>> //shift selected right
ce //居中center
le //left
ri //right
## find ##
/<word> //向下查找word
?<word> //向上查找
n //next, 继续原来方向查找下一个
N //反方向查找下一个
v //进入选择模式,每次选择一个字符
shift V //select a whole line
ctrl v //select a block
//the same to end select
vim 1.txt 2.txt //create&open several files
n //edit next file
N //edit former file
e filename //open new file
e# //back to last file
ls //list edited files
f //show file name
f newname filename //rename
set instructions
set nu //显示行号