This weekend, April 13th and 14th, I had a class at 8:30 and at 10:30, the kids from Primary school of 2nd and 3rd level. For the first class I had 6 kids and for the 2nd class I had I had about 11 kids on Saturday and on Sunday respectively from the age category of 10年 team D. The weather was good.
Topic: Introduction to 1 v 1
1.Warm up
Content 1 (5 min)
Ball dribbling and control within an area of 20 x 20m, using one step to each ball, using back of foot, inside foot, outside foot, add a move, turn the body…
2. Technical drills: (20min)
Content 1
Improving ball control with changing direction, where every one use his onw ball and they start from the centre area and go for outsided small gates made by 2 small cones, the objective is to pass through many differents cones where every time you came in middle and go to the 2nd cone and so on…
Content 2
Making two group, Red and Green team, of same number of players each side, every time there is a team to play as attackers and other team to play like defenders, the coach stands slightly in between two teams, and he serve the ball to an attacker player, who must pass through 2 gates and end ball passing the ball back to the coach, whereas the defender player must try to chase and take the ball from the attackers and pass it the coach as well. Every time the winner of duel gets one point more.
3.Match (40min)
On Saturday and Sunday on the 1st class the kids from primary school (my team) played a matches with other kids from other club and we lost 4:0, the time of coach Ada where he trains them every day from Monday to Friday. The strength and the way the play show that they train regularly compared to the kids from primary school
For the 2nd class, we played normally 2 small sided pitches, we played 3 v 3, and 3 v 2, here more should be done in strengthening 1 v1 skills as well as passing.