My fellowtoastmasters and distinguished guests, good evening.
May I ask you aquestion? What do you think of time? Friend? Fellow? Enemy?
In my point of view,time is the fairest judge in the world. He is selfless and unprejudiced.whether you are rich or poor, he will only give you 24 hours a day.
I used to regard timeas my fellow and tried to control it. I learnt a lot of time management methodsto make the best use of it in the past 3 years. Do you know what happened?
I’m always anxious. Irecord and analyze my daily time, and then make plans for next day, inaddition, prioritize them according to their importance. Next day, when I startmy tasks, I use the tomato clock to avoid distraction. That indeed helped meimprove my working efficiency. However, I never got the deliberate feeling.
The long to do listis like a whip lashing me regardless the perfection, priority and concentrationof the plans. Maybe only one day in a week, I can finish the daily to do list. Thatreally drove me crazy sometimes.
What happened withthe time management methods? Is there something wrong with me? I optimize my plans, however I still cannot getthe deliberate feeling.
The situation wasn’tchange until I got understanding inEssentialismwritten by Greg Mckeown.
The Way of theEssentialist is about challenging the core assumption of ‘we can have it all’and ‘I have to do everything’ and replacing it with the pursuit of ‘the rightthing, in the right way, at the right time’. It’s about regaining control ofour own choices about where to spend our time and energies instead of givingothers implicit permission to choose for us.
I will show moredetailed difference between Essentialism and time management.
Time managementmethods teach us to use these tools to let us develop discipline habits, forsimple example like clean room regularly. As we all know no matter how perfectthe storage is, it will be in a mess in a very short time. If we want to keeptidy, it needs us to spend much time and efforts and we will get very tired inthis process.
Essentialism teachesus to keep only a few things that are our favorite or important or necessary,other things just throw out. Just focus on the things you most want to do, thenthe implementation will be easier. You will be less anxious on the time.
In recent past 3months, I choose to join toastmaster club, a utility reading club and prepareSalary&Tax test. Sometime I will take exercise according to KEEP app.
If I cannot finishdaily work, just let it go. It must be done before a deadline in the future.
I also I give up some
of the we-chat打卡,
especially some 打卡show forleaders.
Last but not least, I give up the part-time job, help others to revise resumes. Althoughit will bring me some money, it really takes much time and effort. Now I feelmuch better when enjoy the free time.
A book《把时间当做朋友》written by Li,Xiaolai said that We cannot control time, what we can control is ourselves. Tryto be a friend of time. You will be really comfort when you regard him as yourfriend.