1.@NotNull:不能为null,但可以为empty,(""," "," ")
2.@NotEmpty:不能为null,而且长度必须大于0,(" "," ")
("test") 即:必须有实际字符
@NotNull: The CharSequence, Collection, Map or Array object is not null,
but can be empty.
@NotEmpty: The CharSequence, Collection, Map or Array object is not null
and size > 0.
@NotBlank: The string is not null and the trimmed length is greater than
1.String name = null;
@NotNull: false
2.String name = "";
@NotEmpty: false
@NotBlank: false
3.String name = " ";
@NotNull: true
@NotEmpty: true
@NotBlank: false
4.String name = "Great answer!";
@NotNull: true