On a gloomy Saturday, I was stuck inside my house. I read a book, played piano and built with Lego. I was getting bored. Suddenly I have an idea, I could build a time machine out of Lego. But just as I put the last piece of Lego, the engine vroomed. I just held on to the time machine, and suddenly we disappeared off to Ancient Egypt! I met a beautiful young lady as I stepped out of the time machine. The lady told me that she was Cleopatra who was last ruler of Egypt.
She also said she liked my clothing. I looked down and saw that I was wearing a sparkle pink dress. “Nice to meet you, welcome to Egypt. Let me show you around. Do you want to see the horse toilets?” Cleopatra asked me. Since I didn’t know what horse toilets look like, I said “yes” with excitement thinking it was real that Egyptians built horse toilets in Ancient Egypt.
After we saw the horse toilets, we went on looking for King Tutankhamun’s tomb. We searched for hours and hours and hours like hungry ants looking for food. Cleopatra finally found a hole in the ground. We went down the steps, we passed the maze, mummy King Tutankhamun was laying down in the tomb beside a mummified cat. We came back up quickly because it was so dark and spooky as we were in a jungle at night.
Just then Cleopatra said: “the Egyptians are celebrating a cat festival today; do you want to go?” Since I loved cats, I told her “yes”. We went to the festival and danced late into the night. At the end of the party, I even got a real live cat as a pet! Suddenly someone cried “Julius Caesar was murdered, we lost our great Pharaoh! What are we going to do without him?” “Well” Cleopatra said thoughtfully, “I’m going to marry Mark Anthony tomorrow and he is a good Pharaoh too!”
“Hooray! A new Pharaoh” the Egyptians cheered. After spending the night with Cleopatra, I said goodbye to her and climbed back into the time machine and got whisked back home. The next morning, when I woke up, a cat on my bed was purring.