make it
① 职场取得成功
❖ She’s a very good dancer but I’m not sure she’ll make it as a professional.她是个不错的舞蹈演员,但我不确定她是不是能够成为职业舞者。
② 及时赶上做某事/赶到某个地方
❖ The flight is leaving in ten minutes. I don’t think I can make it.飞机10分钟后就起飞,我觉得我赶不上了。
❖ A. We’re having a party tonight? Are you coming?今晚有个聚会,你来吗?
❖ B. I am sorry I can’t make it.不好意思,我去不了了。
③ 从病痛或者灾难中幸存
❖ A. Do you think she’s going to make it, doctor?大夫,你觉得她能挺过来吗?
❖ B. It’s really too soon to say.现在说太早了。
make like…装的好像…
❖ He makes like that he cares about other people’s problems, but actually he’s not willing to help. 他装的好像很关心其他人的问题,但实际上他根本不愿意去帮忙。
make the most of sth./sb.充分利用
❖ We’re only in Paris for a day, so let’s make the most of it.我们在巴黎就待一天,所以让我们好好利用这一天吧。
你有空吗?Do you have time?/Are you free?/Are you available?/Can you spare some time for me?
注:spare v. 抽出,匀出
❖ I'd love to have a break, but I can't spare the time right now.我挺想休息会儿,但我现在没法抽出时间。
几点了? Do you have the time?/What is the time?/What time is it?/Could you tell me what time it is now?
❖ There's a time and a place for everything.凡事要讲究时间和场合。
❖ There's no time like the present.现在是最好时机。
❖ Time heals all wounds. /wuːndz/时间可以治愈一切创伤。
我吃饱了 I am full (up)./I am stuffed./I have had enough.
stuff n. 物品,东西
❖ What's this black stuff?这个黑东西到底是啥?
❖ I don't believe in all that stuff about ghosts.我不相信鬼神那一套东西。
stuff v. 塞满,填满
❖ He found a bag stuffed with money on his way home.在他回家的路上,他发现了一个装满钱的袋子。
stuffy adj. 闷的,通风不畅的
❖ I have a sore throat and stuffy nose.我嗓子疼,鼻子不通气。
kid stuff 幼稚的事,简单的事
❖ It's time to cut out the kid stuff and get down to business.是时候停止做那些幼稚的事,回归正题了。
youth n. 青年时期,青春,芳华
❖ Youth is a 2017 drama movie directed by Xiaogang Feng.芳华是2017年的一部剧情片,由冯小刚导演。
❖ He had been a talented singer in his youth.他在年轻时期是个很有才华的歌手。
❖ His youth gives him an advantage over the other runners.他的年轻给了他一个超过其他跑步选手的优势之处。
young adj.适合年轻人的
❖ This dress is too young for you.这个裙子对你来说有点太年轻了。
young lady/man 气愤时对年轻人说话
❖ Mind your language, young man!说话注意点,年轻人!
the young/old 年轻人/老年人
❖ Club is not my thing. It’s for the young.夜店不是我的菜,那是给年轻人玩的。
year做合成词,用单数X-year-old... X岁的...
❖ Tom is a three-year old boy and he’s very naughty.Tom是个三岁的小男孩,他挺调皮。
❖ How old are you?你多大了?
❖ I am 16 years old. 我16岁了。
❖ They haven't seen each other for many years.他们已经好多年没有见面了。
for years 很久;很长时间
❖ We lived there for years.我们住那很长时间了。
be getting on in years 上年纪了,年龄大了
❖ My grandfather's getting on in years, so I have to speak a bit more loudly around him.我外公上年纪了,所以我在他周围讲话的时候得稍微大声一点。
…of the year 年度最佳...
❖ He was chosen as employee of the year.他被评选为年度最佳员工。