Google Adwords;priced by auction
Google—identifies ad words;
adwords—terms advertisers placed bid on;
match topic—emergency pet care;
key words—veterinary hospital and animal hospital。
maximum cost per click-through MAX CPC PPC
conversion rate
actual CPC/conversion rate=acquisition cost
LTV(life time value)生命周期总价值
获得成本(acquisition cost,AC)
business goal : cost of customer acquisition<first year's average revenues per customer
(三)市场细分— segmentation
identify common characteristics
-high conversion to revenue rates
-high recurring revenue and lifetime value
what kind of visitors become our best customers
-focus on attracting more like them;
-engaging in a high-level form of segmentation
where do visitor come from?
-赞助搜索sponsored search-clicked on ad placed on search engine;
-自然搜索organic search-clicked on unpaid link from search results;
-点击链接clicked clicked link-placed in group email or tweet(Twitter);
-third-party web site-linked to site from blog post or article;
-direct-typed in URL themselves。
device used/where
SEO search engine optimization
basic SEO steps:
-content is current—avoid diluting results
-get third-party web sites(authoritative reputation;substantive opinions)
-increase social signal(Facebook Twitter)