TED 人类大脑最特别的地方在哪里 中英对照翻译+视频+MP3音频

中英对照翻译+视频+MP3音频原文:TED | 人类大脑最特别的地方在哪里

What is so special about the human brain?


演讲者:Suzana Herculano-Houzel




What is so specialabout the human brain? Why is it that we study other animals instead of themstudying us? What does a human brain have or do that no other brain does? WhenI became interested in these questions about 10 years ago, scientists thoughtthey knew what different brains were made of. Though it was based on verylittle evidence, many scientists thought that all mammalian brains, includingthe human brain, were made in the same way, with a number of neurons that wasalways proportional to the size of the brain.


This means that two brains of thesame size, like these two, with a respectable 400 grams, should have similarnumbers of neurons. Now, if neurons are the functional information processingunits of the brain, then the owners of these two brains should have similarcognitive abilities. And yet, one is a chimp, and the other is a cow. Now maybecows have a really rich internal mental life and are so smart that they choosenot to let us realize it, but we eat them.


I think most people will agree thatchimps are capable of much more complex, elaborate and flexible behaviors thancows are. So this is a first indication that the "all brains are made thesame way" scenario is not quite right.

我想大多数人会同意,相比于牛来说,黑猩猩具有更加复杂和细节、以及灵活的行为。所以这是第一个征兆显示 "所有的大脑的构成方式都是一样的" 不是特别正确的。

But let's playalong. If all brains were made the same way and you were to compare animalswith brains of different sizes, larger brains should always have more neuronsthan smaller brains, and the larger the brain, the more cognitively able itsowner should be. So the largest brain around should also be the mostcognitively able.


And here comes the bad news: Our brain, not the largest onearound. It seems quite vexing. Our brain weighs between 1.2 and 1.5 kilos, butelephant brains weigh between four and five kilos, and whale brains can weighup to nine kilos, which is why scientists used to resort to saying that ourbrain must be special to explain our cognitive abilities. It must be reallyextraordinary, an exception to the rule. Theirs may be bigger, but ours isbetter, and it could be better, for example, in that it seems larger than itshould be, with a much larger cerebral cortex than we should have for the sizeof our bodies.

这里有个坏消息要说:我们的大脑,不是最大的一个。看起来相当棘手。我们的大脑重量1.2 和1.5公斤之间,但大象脑子称之间四、五公斤,鲸鱼大脑可重达9公斤,这就是为什么科学家们用来诉诸说我们的大脑肯定是非常特别地,来解释我们的认知能力。它必须是真的非同寻常,一个例外情况。他们的大脑可能会更大,但我们的更好,并且我们的可以变得更加好,例如, 在这似乎比它应该更大与很多大大脑皮层比我们应该有的对于我们的身体的大小。

So that would give us extra cortex to do more interesting thingsthan just operating the body. That's because the size of the brain usuallyfollows the size of the body. So the main reason for saying that our brain islarger than it should be actually comes from comparing ourselves to great apes.Gorillas can be two to three times larger than we are, so their brains shouldalso be larger than ours, but instead it's the other way around. Our brain isthree times larger than a gorilla brain.


The human brainalso seems special in the amount of energy that it uses. Although it weighsonly two percent of the body, it alone uses 25 percent of all the energy thatyour body requires to run per day. That's 500 calories out of a total of 2,000calories, just to keep your brain working.


So the human brainis larger than it should be, it uses much more energy than it should, so it'sspecial. And this is where the story started to bother me. In biology, we lookfor rules that apply to all animals and to life in general, so why should therules of evolution apply to everybody else but not to us?


Maybe the problem waswith the basic assumption that all brains are made in the same way. Maybe twobrains of a similar size can actually be made of very different numbers ofneurons. Maybe a very large brain does not necessarily have more neurons than amore modest-sized brain. Maybe the human brain actually has the most neurons ofany brain, regardless of its size, especially in the cerebral cortex. So thisto me became the important question to answer: how many neurons does the humanbrain have, and how does that compare to other animals?


Now, you may haveheard or read somewhere that we have 100 billion neurons, so 10 years ago, Iasked my colleagues if they knew where this number came from. But nobody did.I've been digging through the literature for the original reference for thatnumber, and I could never find it. It seems that nobody had actually evercounted the number of neurons in the human brain, or in any other brain forthat matter.


So I came up withmy own way to count cells in the brain, and it essentially consists ofdissolving that brain into soup. It works like this: You take a brain, or partsof that brain, and you dissolve it in detergent, which destroys the cellmembranes but keeps the cell nuclei intact, so you end up with a suspension offree nuclei that looks like this, like a clear soup.This soup contains all thenuclei that once were a mouse brain.


Now, the beauty of a soup is that becauseit is soup, you can agitate it and make those nuclei be distributed homogeneouslyin the liquid, so that now by looking under the microscope at just four or fivesamples of this homogeneous solution, you can count nuclei, and therefore tellhow many cells that brain had.It's simple, it's straightforward, and it'sreally fast.So we've used that method to count neurons in dozens of differentspecies so far, and it turns out that all brains are not made the same way.


Take rodents and primates, for instance: In larger rodent brains, the averagesize of the neuron increases, so the brain inflates very rapidly and gains sizemuch faster than it gains neurons. But primate brains gain neurons without theaverage neuron becoming any larger, which is a very economical way to addneurons to your brain. The result is that a primate brain will always have moreneurons than a rodent brain of the same size, and the larger the brain, thelarger this difference will be.


Well, what about our brain then? We found thatwe have, on average, 86 billion neurons, 16 billion of which are in the cerebralcortex, and if you consider that the cerebral cortex is the seat of functionslike awareness and logical and abstract reasoning, and that 16 billion is themost neurons that any cortex has, I think this is the simplest explanation forour remarkable cognitive abilities.


But just as important is what the 86billion neurons mean. Because we found that the relationship between the sizeof the brain and its number of neurons could be described mathematically, wecould calculate what a human brain would look like if it was made like a rodentbrain. So, a rodent brain with 86 billion neurons would weigh 36 kilos. That'snot possible. A brain that huge would be crushed by its own weight, and thisimpossible brain would go in the body of 89 tons. I don't think it looks likeus.

但,就和860亿神经元的意义一样重要,因为我们发现了大脑的大小和其神经元数目之间的关联是可以用数学模型来计算的我们可以计算出人类大脑。如果被作成像是一个啮齿类动物的大脑会如何。所以,有着860亿神经元的啮齿类动物大脑将重36公斤。那是不可能的。巨大的大脑將会被它自己本身的重量所挤压,这个不可能的大脑將会适用于 一个89吨的身体 。我不认为它看起来跟我们一样。

So this brings usto a very important conclusion already, which is that we are not rodents. Thehuman brain is not a large rat brain. Compared to a rat, we might seem special,yes, but that's not a fair comparison to make, given that we know that we arenot rodents.We are primates, so the correct comparison is to other primates.


And there, if you do the math, you find that a generic primate with 86 billionneurons would have a brain of about 1.2 kilos, which seems just right, in a bodyof some 66 kilos, which in my case is exactly right, which brings us to a veryunsurprising but still incredibly important conclusion: I am a primate. And allof you are primates.

這里还有,如果你自己来算一下,你会发现一般的的灵长类动物有着860亿神经元,将会有一个约1.2公斤的大脑,这似乎刚刚好,在大约66 公斤身体中,在我的研究是完全正确的。我们对此一点儿也不惊讶,但这仍是令人难以置信的重要结论:我是灵长类动物。而且,你们全部都是灵长类动物。

And so was Darwin.I love to think that Darwin would have really appreciated this. His brain, likeours, was made in the image of other primate brains.


So the human brainmay be remarkable, yes, but it is not special in its number of neurons. It isjust a large primate brain. I think that's a very humbling and sobering thoughtthat should remind us of our place in nature.


Why does it costso much energy, then? Well, other people have figured out how much energy thehuman brain and that of other species costs, and now that we knew how manyneurons each brain was made of, we could do the math. And it turns out thatboth human and other brains cost about the same, an average of six calories perbillion neurons per day. So the total energetic cost of a brain is a simple,linear function of its number of neurons, and it turns out that the human braincosts just as much energy as you would expect.


So the reason why the humanbrain costs so much energy is simply because it has a huge number of neurons,and because we are primates with many more neurons for a given body size thanany other animal, the relative cost of our brain is large, but just becausewe're primates, not because we're special.


Last question,then: how did we come by this remarkable number of neurons, and in particular,if great apes are larger than we are, why don't they have a larger brain thanwe do, with more neurons? When we realized how much expensive it is to have alot of neurons in the brain, I figured, maybe there's a simple reason. Theyjust can't afford the energy for both a large body and a large number ofneurons.


So we did the math. We calculated on the one hand how much energy aprimate gets per day from eating raw foods, and on the other hand, how muchenergy a body of a certain size costs and how much energy a brain of a certain numberof neurons costs, and we looked for the combinations of body size and number ofbrain neurons that a primate could afford if it ate a certain number of hoursper day.


And what we foundis that because neurons are so expensive, there is a tradeoff between body sizeand number of neurons. So a primate that eats eight hours per day can afford atmost 53 billion neurons, but then its body cannot be any bigger than 25 kilos.To weigh any more than that, it has to give up neurons. So it's either a largebody or a large number of neurons. When you eat like a primate, you can'tafford both.


One way out ofthis metabolic limitation would be to spend even more hours per day eating, butthat gets dangerous, and past a certain point, it's just not possible. Gorillasand orangutans, for instance, afford about 30 billion neurons by spending eightand a half hours per day eating, and that seems to be about as much as they cando. Nine hours of feeding per day seems to be the practical limit for aprimate.


What about us?With our 86 billion neurons and 60 to 70 kilos of body mass, we should have tospend over nine hours per day every single day feeding, which is just notfeasible. If we ate like a primate, we should not be here.


How did we get here,then? Well, if our brain costs just as much energy as it should, and if wecan't spend every waking hour of the day feeding, then the only alternative,really, is to somehow get more energy out of the same foods. And remarkably,that matches exactly what our ancestors are believed to have invented one and ahalf million years ago, when they invented cooking.


To cook is to use fire topre-digest foods outside of your body. Cooked foods are softer, so they'reeasier to chew and to turn completely into mush in your mouth, so that allowsthem to be completely digested and absorbed in your gut, which makes them yieldmuch more energy in much less time. So cooking frees time for us to do muchmore interesting things with our day and with our neurons than just thinkingabout food, looking for food, and gobbling down food all day long.


So because ofcooking, what once was a major liability, this large, dangerously expensivebrain with a lot of neurons, could now become a major asset, now that we couldboth afford the energy for a lot of neurons and the time to do interestingthings with them. So I think this explains why the human brain grew to becomeso large so fast in evolution, all of the while remaining just a primate brain.

所以由于烹饪,曾是 一个沉重的负担,这个大,且极其昂贵的,有着一大堆神经元的大脑,现在能够成为一项重要资产,现在,我们可以为给予神经元提供能量并且把时间用在去做一些有趣的事情。因此,我认为这就解释了为什么人类的大脑在进化过程中增长如此之快,当所有剩余的只是一个灵长类动物的大脑。

With this large brain now affordable by cooking, we went rapidly from raw foodsto culture, agriculture, civilization, grocery stores, electricity,refrigerators, all of those things that nowadays allow us to get all the energywe need for the whole day in a single sitting at your favorite fast food joint.So what once was a solution now became the problem, and ironically, we look forthe solution in raw food.


So what is thehuman advantage? What is it that we have that no other animal has? My answer isthat we have the largest number of neurons in the cerebral cortex, and I thinkthat's the simplest explanation for our remarkable cognitive abilities. Andwhat is it that we do that no other animal does, and which I believe wasfundamental to allow us to reach that large, largest number of neurons in thecortex? In two words, we cook. No other animal cooks its food. Only humans do.And I think that's how we got to become human.


Studying the humanbrain changed the way I think about food. I now look at my kitchen, and I bowto it, and I thank my ancestors for coming up with the invention that probablymade us humans. Thank you very much. (Applause)

研究人类大脑改变我对食物的想法。现在我看看自己的厨房,然后我向它鞠躬,然后我谢谢我的祖先想到这个有可能使我们成为人类的发明。谢谢。 (掌声)曾经以为把东西做熟再吃仅仅是因为熟食好吃,看来什么东西都不能看得太简单

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