16 Knowing Yourself 了解你自己

Section 3 A Strategy


16 Knowing Yourself







Western philosophy virtually began with Socrates' advice, "Know thyself."Ever since, thoughtful men and women have realized that knowing oneself is the key to wisdom. Why is self-knowledge so important? Because so many of the obstacles to clear thinking are found not in the problems we must deal with, but in ourselves.


Of course, innumerable factors contribute to how we feel and think and act. To be complete, any inventory of them would have to include answers to the following questions:


Am I quiet or talkative? Generally optimistic or pessimistic? Hard-working or lazy? Fearful or brave?Serious or easygoing? Modest or proud? Competitive or noncompetitive? Am I nervous or at ease with stranger ? Do I retain my poise and presence of mind in emergencies? Am I confident in everything I do? Do I resent certain types of people? (The popular classmate, for example.) Would I be more accurately classified as a leader or a follower?

我安静还是健谈?一般乐观还是悲观?努力工作还是懒惰?恐惧还是勇敢?严肃还是轻松?谦虚还是自豪?有竞争力还是非竞争力?我与陌生人紧张或安逸吗?在紧急情况下我是否保持自己的态度和精神状态?我对我所做的一切充满信心吗?我讨厌某些类型的人吗? (例如流行的同学。)我会被更准确地归类为领导者还是追随者?

How trustworthy am I ? Can I keep a secret or must I reveal it to at least one or two others? Am I loyal to my friends/ do I ever "use" people? How sensitive am I to the feelings of others/ do I ever purposely hurt others? Am I jealous of anyone? Do I enjoy causing trouble, sowing seeds of suspicion and dissension among people? Do I rush to spread the latest gossip? Do I talk behind friends'backs? Are my comments about others usually favorable or unfavorable? Do I criticize other's real or imagined faults as a means of boosting my own ego? Do I keep my promises? How tolerant am I of people's faults and mistakes?


Am I truthful with other people? With myself? How objective am I in assessing my skills and talents? How intelligent am I? How studious am I in school? How many different roles do I play with other people? Which of those roles are authentic? Which are masks designed to hid parts of myself I would be ashamed or embarrassed to have others see? How reasonable are my plans for the future? Do I work well under pressure?




In addition to the foregoing questions, numerous questions are suggested by the previous fifteen chapters. To assist you in taking inventory of the habits and attitudes that affect your critical thinking, ask yourself these questions:


1 Exactly what influences have shaped my identity? How have they done so?How has my self-image been affected? In what situations am I less an individual because of these influences?


2 In what ways am I like the good thinker (as outlined in Chapter 2)? In what ways like the poor thinker? What kinds of situations seem to bring out my best and worst qualities?


3 To what extent has my perspective on truth tended to be reasonable?(See Chapter 3 again, if necessary.)


4  How careful am I about separating hearsay and rumor from fact? About distinguishing knowing from assuming, guessing, or speculating?


5 How often do I take the trouble to make my opinions informed?


6  To what extend do I think that "mine is better"? (Not only the personal "mine," but the ethnocentric "mine," as well.)In what ways has this kind of thinking affected my view of personal problems and public issues?


7 In what matters am I most resistant to change? Is the cause of my resistance insecurity? Is it fear of something? If so, of what?


8  To what or whom do I feel the strongest urge to conform? In what situations as this conformist tendency interfered with my judgment?


9 How strong is my need to save face? What aspect of my image is most precious to me? Which of my roles am I most sensitive about? Which people am I most anxious to have think well of me? In what situations have my face-saving maneuvers corrupted my thinking?


10 Do I tend to make hard generalizations (stereotypes) about members of my own race or other races? Religions? Political or social organizations? Any of the other people, places, or ideas mentioned in Chapter 10? What caused me to first form those stereotyped views? In what ways have those views interfered with my evaluation of particular people, places, or ideas?


11  To what extend do I tend to oversimplify complex matters? Am I just unwilling to take the trouble to learn the truth in its complexity? Or do I feel threatened by answers that are not neat and tidy? What has made me this way?


12 To what extend do I tend to jump to conclusions? Do I tend to do so in some areas but not in others? If so, which areas? And why the difference? Do I draw my conclusions prematurely out of convenience? If so, is my purpose to sound authoritative and impress people? In what recent situations have I formed hasty conclusions?


13 Am I aware of the degree to which I assume certain things to be so? In what matters am I most inclined to assume too much, to take too much for granted?


14  Which of my beliefs have been influenced by logical fallacies: specifically, by illogical conclusions, either-or thinking, attacking the person, shifting the burden of proof, false cause, straw man, or irrational appeals?


15 To what extent have the problems listed above combined to undermine my thinking about important personal and public issues?


16 Which of the problems in questions 1 through 15 interfere with my thinking most frequently and significantly?




As important as the foregoing questions are, there is one question that is considerably more important –how can you most effectively use your personal inventory to improve your critical thinking performance?The answer is by following these steps:

与上述问题一样重要的是,这是一个更重要的问题 - 如何最有效地利用个人清单来提高您的批判性思维效果? 答案是按照以下步骤进行:

First,answer all the questions in the critical thinking inventory honestly and thoroughly, acknowledging not only the pleasant facts about yourself but also the unpleasant ones. (If you ignore the latter, they will influence you noless; in fact, your refusal to face them may intensify the harm they do.)


Next reflect on your answers, noting the areas in which you are especially vulnerable. Don't expect to be equally vulnerable in all circumstances; it is common for some to be more troublesome than others. Your goal here is to know your intellectual habits so we that you can predict exactly which thinking problem will arise for you in any particular situation.

接下来反思你的答案,注意你在哪些方面特别容易敏感。不要指望在任何情况下都同样敏感; 正常情况下有些人比其他人更敏感。您的目标是了解您的智力习惯,以便您可以在任何特定情况下准确预测出您的思维问题。

Finally,whenever you are addressing an issue, anticipate what problems are likely to undermine your thinking, and make a conscious effort to resist their influence.




It is one thing to understand the steps to improving your thinking and quite another to use them effectively. The latter task is a formidable challenge. It will take continuing effort over a long period of time.


Is the challenge worth the effort? Let's consider what is known about the role of thinking in everyday life. The most respected educators stress the importance of getting beyond mere memorizing and reflecting on the significance and application of facts.Thinking skill is necessary to understand and profit form college courses.Business and professional leaders stress that proficiency in thinking is necessary to solve problems and make decisions on the job. (All the books written in recent years about excellence underline the value of thinking skills.)


In addition, more and more psychologists are affirming that thinking skills play a crucial role in our personal lives. The leading form of psychotherapy in this country, in fact, is cognitive therapy. It is based on the idea that most mental problems(neuroses) result form faulty thinking habits. Noted psychologist Albert Ellis,founder of the Institute of Rational-Emotive Therapy, writes, "Man can live the most self-fulfilling, creative, and emotionally satisfying life by intelligently organizing and disciplining his thinking."


Like other famous psychologists before him, Ellis notes that to organize our thinking we must wrestle with our own negative tendencies. "As Freud and his daughter Anna accurately observed," he says, "and as Adler agreed, humans are prone to avoid focusing on and coping with their problems and instead often sweep them under the rug by resorting to rationalization, denial, compensation, identification, projection, avoidance, repression, and other defensive maneuvers."


In short, though the challenge of improving your thinking is great, no other kind of self-improvement can affect every area of your life so positively.




1 Examine yourself in light of the questions presented in the chapter.Don't settle for things you already know about yourself. Try to expand yourself-awareness. And don't ignore your less favorable characteristics. Discussthe results of your self-examination.


2 Apply your critical thinking to each of the following cases. Make a conscious effort to apply your new self-knowledge, anticipate the problems in thinking to which you will be vulnerable, and resist their influence on yourjudgment.


Some educators are urging that the colleges become more selective than they have been in the past few decades.Specifically, these people propose that remedial courses be eliminated and entrance requirements tightened. This would mean that students who are deficient in basic skills, and poor marks in high school, or did poorly on admissions tests would not be accepted for college. Do you agree with thisview?


The San Francisco Board of Supervisors approved an ordinance that would allow "live-in lovers" to qualify for the city's employee insurance programs. The measure was designed to allow homosexuals and unmarried heterosexuals to establish domestic partnerships and qualify for the same life and health insurance benefits traditionally limited to husbands and wives. Many people, including a majority of the gay community, endorsed the proposal. Others opposed it. The SanFrancisco Examiner, for example, editorialized against it, reasoning that"the notion that an unmarried relationship is the equivalent of marriage is an attack on social norms." The mayor voted the proposal. Do you believe she was correct in doing so?


An outstanding senior English major (with a 3.7 grade-point average out of a possible 4.0) at Princet on University submitted an analysis of a novel for her Spanish-American novel course. Her professor determined that the paper was plagiarized; that is, that it was copied, virtually word for word, from a scholarly reference work without proper acknowledgment. The student subsequently claimed she had committed only a "technical error." The case was referred to a faculty-student committee on discipline, which after hearing it recommended withholding the student's degree for one year and notifying the law schools to which she had applied of the details of their decision. Believing the penalty was too harsh,the student took the matter to court. Do you believe the committee's decision was too harsh?

普林斯顿大学一位杰出的高级英语专业(平均分数为3.7分,也可能平均分数为4.0分)提交了一部分析她的西班牙裔美国人小说课程的小说。她的教授确定该文件被抄袭;也就是说,如果没有得到适当的承认,它从学术参考著作中逐字逐句复制。这名学生后来声称她只犯了一个“技术错误”。该案件被提交给一个教师 - 学生纪律委员会,听证会后,它建议保留学生的学位一年,并通知她所申请的法学院该决定所有细节。认为惩罚过于苛刻,学生将此事告上法庭。你认为委员会的决定过于苛刻吗?

A federal court has ruled that Christmas (like Hanukkah, Easter, and Passover) may be observed in the public schools as a cultural event but not as a religious holiday. Educational lawyers interpret that as meaning that songs like Silent Night may be sung in a class learning about religious customs or in a music appreciation class but not as an areligious celebration. Do you support the idea of banning all religious celebrations from the schools in this manner?


When Elizabeth Taylor learned that a TV movie based on her life was in preparation, she went to court to block its production, claiming that the so-called docudrama was "simply a fancy new name for old-fashioned invasion of privacy, defamation, and violation of an actor's right." Some people would say her request should be denied because it represents censorship. What do you think? (Would you think differently if the docudrama concerned the life of a deceased celebrity, like Elvis Presley?)


Shirley MacLaine, the well-known actress, is now a best selling author. In her books she claims to have lived a number of former lives. For example, she says she once lived as a male teacher who committed suicide on the lost continent of Atlantis. Do you find such claims believable?


Group discussion exercise: Select one of the cases you analyzed inapplication 2 and discuss it with two or three of your classmates. Try to reach a consensus on the issue. Be prepared to present your idea(s) to the class.


这个系列是对超越感觉:批判性思考指南 07版做的翻译练习,如果觉得有帮助可以点链接购买第九版中文,英文原版在这里Beyond Feelings:A Guide to Critical Thinking (英语)

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